The Words of Eternal Life
Concentrating on v68
- It is time for a decision to be made for those following Jesus
- Everyone wanted to be with Him - He was popular (cf 6:15)
- It then dawned on people what Jesus was really about
- Many who had followed are repelled
- Jesus gave hard teachings (6:53-54)
- Many are offended by these teachings (6:60)
- Even Nicodemus (the most learned pharisee/scholar) was unable to understand what Jesus was saying (John 3)
- Spiritual things are spiritually discerned
- Is is a hard saying that you must be born again
- Is is a hard saying that you cannot come to God unless the Father draw you
- Is is a hard saying that unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will not have eternal life
- This is a crunch point
- Nothing in the world is static
- Your heart will either be harder or softer, nearer or farther the Kingdom, love Christ more or less (after this morning)
- It was good that the disciples heard what Jesus said
- It is good that you can hear this morning
- But what direction are you heading in?
- Heb 10:37-39
- Are you of those who will draw back to perdition or those who believe to the saving of the soul?
- Jesus asks His disciples if they are going to turn away? (6:67)
- Peter recognises that there is no where else they can go
- We cannot keep putting off important decisions?
- What will make you come to Jesus Christ and accept these hard sayings?
- 'Chose whom you will serve'
- It is not a place or a pilgrimage that we should go to
- "To whom shall we go. You have the words of eternal life ... You are Christ the Lord"
- Parallel of Matt 6:16 - His glimpse regarding the person of Jesus
- John's gospel is already pointing towards the person of Jesus
- Jesus says don't think about places but about Me
- Psalm 73
- John 7:37-38
- "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink"
- It is Jesus that has all the resources to meet human need
- "To whom shall we go. You have the words of eternal life."
- Jesus has the words
- Jesus' words are life giving words
- [They have power]
- "He is the bread of life"(6:48)
- There is nothing more essential for spiritual life than to hear and respond to the words of Jesus Christ
- Jesus speaks about going away
- There are only two options:
- Pressing on and grasping life in Jesus
- Going away
- Going away:
- Separating yourself from eternal life
- John 14:6
- Jesus is not one of many plausible ways to heaven - but the only way
- What will you do if you don't go to him?
- Example of work
- Example of a Christmas Carol
- Without Christ you are condemned to hell
- Do you have a better option - where else will you go?
- "You have the words of eternal life"
Closing Remarks & Prayer