October 1, 2023

The Wonder

Passage: John 1:14-18
Service Type:


  • A series in John's Gospel
    • Looked at the Word ( Jesus Christ) and the Wind (the Holy Spirit)
    • Looking at the Wonder - of the relationship between the Son and the Father, the mystery of the incarnation
      • Reading v14-18
  • Example of someone who does not believe in the incarnation
    • Is the doctrine of the Trinity made up by the council of Nicaea
    • Did Jesus once have a beginning?
    • Was he fully God?
    • Have you not read the different scriptures that prove the full deity of Christ?
  • The wonder of the incarnation
    • v1 - Jesus was there in the beginning
    • v2 - He was God
    • v3 - All things were made through Jesus (only God can do this)
    • v4 - He had life (only God has immortality and life in Himself)
    • v5 - His light shines forth
  • v14 - the Word became flesh
    • The full and final revelation of God (Jesus) became flesh
    • It is wondrous to think that an immutable God became
      • What a mystery
      • We should pray that God shows us more of His glory
      • John - says they saw His glory (v14)
  • Overview:
    • The wonder of the incarnation
    • The wonder of His glory
    • The wonder of His fullness

The wonder of the incarnation

  • The Son of God became something He was not - man
    • Yet He never ceased to be God
    • This is a tremendous mystery
      • Paul speaks of this mystery - 'great is the mystery of godliness'
  • God has no beginning or end, He is eternal
    • Divine nature married to human nature
    • The God Man is born
    • Quote from Horatius Bonar
  • No one can approach God
    • 1 Tim 6:16
    • v18 - no one has seen God at any time
      • Moses did not see the full majesty of God the Father
        • He saw God through the mediator/pre-incarnate Jesus Christ
    • The inaccessible is now approachable
    • The incomprehensible becomes comprehensible
  • The creator of all things becomes like one of us
    • He takes on human flesh - but is not sinful
      • He comes in the likeness of sinful flesh - Rom 8:3
    • One person with two natures
    • Quote from Robert Murray M'Cheyne
    • Example of Moses
      • What about the glory of the incarnation?
  • What a wonderful mystery

The wonder of His glory

  • Not everyone beheld His glory
    • v5 - many were in darkness and did not comprehend
      • Many rejected
      • Many today reject
        • The natural man does not receive the things of God because they are spiritually discerned
    • v10 - many in the world did not know Him
    • v11 - His own (the Jewish people) did not receive Him (but crucified Him)
    • Because of the ignorance and rebellion of the heart of sinful man
  • The apostles beheld His glory
    • In the Old Testament God's glory was known in certain places
      • The Mercy Seat
      • God's glory came down to the tabernacle/tent
      • God's glory came down to the temple built by Solomon
  • v14 - Jesus "dwelt" (meaning "tabernacled") amongst us
    • God's glory is manifest in Jesus
      • John 2:11 - Jesus' glory was manifest through His miracles
        • Turning water into wine
      • John 11:4 - when He raised Lazarus from the dead
      • Luke 9:32 - Peter, James and John saw His glory
    • An inner glory
      • In His humiliation - the angels sang "Glory to God in the highest"
      • In His association with sinners
      • In His baptism and identifying with us
      • In His gentleness and meekness
    • How do you find it when you hear the word of God?
      • Personal example
      • Does it stir your soul?
  • John saw Jesus' glory at the cross
    • Heb 1:3 - the glory of God is seen in Jesus Christ
  • Ex 32-33 – Moses could not see the face of God
    • He saw God's character
    • We see the character of God in Jesus Christ
  • Have you gazed upon the glory of Jesus Christ?
    • v15 - if so, it will humble you
    • v26-27 - John the Baptist was humbled before Jesus
  • What a wonder that He should love us and that we can approach God through Jesus Christ

The wonder of His fullness

  • v16 - We have all received of His fullness
    • It is not just for the apostles
    • It is for every believing soul, every Christian
      • Col 2:9-10 - the fullness of God dwells in Jesus and we are complete in Jesus
      • John 3:34 - God gives immeasurably
  • v17 - the law came through Moses but grace and truth through Jesus Christ
    • The law condemns and does not save
      • You cannot keep the law (e.g. the Ten Commandments)
    • Grace comes through Jesus Christ
      • The unmerited favour of Jesus Christ
      • We need a mediator between God and man
        • God is Holy and pure
        • We are sinful
      • Jesus lived a perfect life and died for our sin, rising on the third day
      • We have peace with God through Jesus Christ
  • v16 - grace for grace
    • Such liberality of grace
      • As if we committed no sin
      • Imputed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ
      • Given the Holy Spirit
      • A promise to be with us to the end
      • A promise of care and provision
    • Amy Carmichael described grace as a river
      • Wave after wave
      • "Grace upon grace"
    • Even though we fail - grace
      • Peter who failed - grace
      • John (a 'son of thunder') - grace [Luke 9:54]
  • What can we say about our life?
    • What grace is God displaying in your life?
      • Patience
      • The little things - example
  • God gives grace
    • Have you received of His fullness?
  • What a wonder this is

Closing Remarks

  • What is your view of Christianity?
  • The wonder of God becoming man
    • That we might be rescued and redeemed
    • That we might have forgiveness of sin
  • Humble yourself and pray that God will have mercy on you