October 1, 2023


Passage: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Romans 5:6-11
Service Type:


Job asked ‘how can a man before just before God’?
Example of Vision of Hope

The answer – Jesus Christ
Pride is often the worst sin

Jesus often addressed the religious (not the man in the street)
Jesus had come for sinners

This evening looking at "reconciliation"

2 times in Romans
4 times in 2 Cor 5:18-21
People were enemies of God becoming friends with God
Having peace with God in Jesus Christ
Only in hrist


The need for reconciliation
The provision of reconciliation
The ministry of reconciliation

The Need for Reconciliation

People do not feel the need to believe in Jesus

People feel they can do life by themselves

People do not understand sin

People acknowledge selfishness
Often people try to be self-sufficient

Sinners need to be exposed to the law of God

Examples from the Ten Commandments
We begin to acknowledge that we are law breakers and we know guilt

Some try to patch over this with religion – examples
For others it is morality – examples

Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
Example of the Apostle Paul

The word reconciliation presupposes alienation and enmity

Example of marriage and society

The Bible speaks of us having to be reconciled to God

God is pure and holy
We have estranged ourselves from God

Through Adam’s original sin
He and us are cut off from God
He and us are under the curse of death

We cannot save ourselves

Reconciliation is of God – Rom 5, 2 Cor 5:18-21
Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
We cannot cleanse ourselves for communion
Song from Augustus Toplady

Do you depend entirely upon Jesus?

The Provision of Reconciliation

Jesus Christ is the provision
Reading v18-20
There is only one mediator between God and man – Christ Jesus

We need a Second Adam to represent us
One who is holy and undefiled, innocent and pure
Jesus is our representative
He led a sinless life – obedient to the law of God
We have the God man

v21 – Jesus became sin for us

Ours sins were placed on Jesus

He was not a sinner

Yet He was treated on the cross as though He were a sinner

Jesus bore our sin
Jesus became a curse for us
Jesus bore the wrath of God

Jesus was punished for our sin

Sin must be punished – either by ourselves in hell or forgiven in Jesus Christ

Justification – we are made righteous in Christ

Treated as though we were holy
Treated as though the life of Jesus Christ was ours – His spotless sinless life
We are treated as righteous

All is through Jesus Christ

Have you availed yourself of this provision?
Have you cast yourself upon Jesus?

The Ministry of Reconciliation

Symbols of service

To live a life worthy of God
To attract sinners to Christ
To walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ

To do the good works prepared in advance

To call others to Christ – a ministry of reonciliation

How will others know about Christ without our speaking?

A word of reconciliation (v19)

The message of the cross – it does sinners good

Ambassadors of Christ (v20)

People in church – be reconciled to God

6:2 – now is the day of salvation
Tonight – you can be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus

Let us be faithful to this ministry of reconciliation

It results in a blessed and wonderful life
Song – Stayed upon Jehovah