The Wise Men
Jesus’s birth into the world was into very difficult circumstances
A jealous King Herod
A low point in religion
Radicalism and zealots
Formulistic religion
Let us consider the story of the wise men
They came to worship the infant child (not a baby)
The star of the Messiah
They came to Herod and sought the location of the Christ
They saw the start again that brought them to Jesus
They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh
They bowed down and worshiped Jesus
What do you make of this?
Do you think it fanciful?
The scenes are magical – but we need to ask what it is all about
We need to ask the question – who is Jesus Christ?
The Wise Men
Maybe kings but described as wise men
They came from the East – likely the Babylonian area
They are thought to be astrologers
In Old Testament times there were wise men and advisors
How did they know the King of the Jews had been born?
Were they studying ancient texts – e.g. the book of Daniel?
Did they know the prediction in Numbers 21?
We are told that they saw the star in the East and know this somehow pointed to the Messiah
Dreams, a constellation of planets or stars – it doesn’t matter
It was a sign that a King had been born
It must have been a difficult journey
The Scriptures tell how God facilitated their journey
God uses even Herod and the Chief Priests
God’s ways are not our ways
Herod’s Response
The wise men assume that Herod is sincere but he was not
He desired not to worship but get rid of this rival king
He (and all Jerusalem) was troubled
Pretense and lying is a strong part of human makeup – example
Jesus has come to rescue men and women from their selves – to rescue them from their sin
The Gifts:
Gold – fit for a King
Frankincense – used in worship
Myrrh – used to embalm bodies
Symbolic gifts
Gold: they bowed down and worshiped / God alone is to be worshiped – they worship the infact Christ
Myrrh: to speak of Jesus death, burial and triumphant rising from the dead
What does this all mean?
Will you not give yourself to worship Him?
Will you not consider and study the Bible?
Will you not think about the love of God in heaven?
Is not the life of Jesus good news to all people?
What will be your response?