December 25, 2021

We beheld His glory

Passage: John 1:1-18
Service Type:


Considering one verse from John (v14)

What has captured your attention this morning? – examples
When you think of Christmas – what do you think about? – examples
We need to think of Jesus Christ

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory…” – John 1:14a

John is speaking on behalf of God’s children – who have seen Him

…the glory as of the only Begotten of the Father full of grace and truth” – John 1:14b

We need to contemplate God’s glory
We need the Holy Spirit to reveal this to us


The Glory of the Godhead – Jesus
The Glory of His Grace
The Glory of the Gospel

The Glory of the Godhead – Jesus

Jesus looks like an ordinary child – examples

Yet this little babe is fully God

There is a great mystery in this

Jesus has a glorified body (in heaven)
Jesus is forever the ‘God man’
Christ has come to redeem our souls and our bodies

It is a deep mystery

How can Jesus ‘limit’ Himself?
The Bible says Jesus “emptied Himself” and “humbled Himself”
He willingly puts aside some of His Divine attributes

Some say that Jesus Christ is not fully God – but He is and chose to take on human flesh
We beheld His glory

He came in the likeness of human flesh – but He had no inclination to sin
He was born without sin since He was born of the Holy Spirit and not of Joseph
The glory of the Lord is often depicted or thought about in terms of light
Christ’s glory was veiled – but momentarily revealed at the Transfiguration

2 Chronicles 5:14

There were in the Old Testament Theophonies – examples

But now we see this glory in a person (not in a tabernacle, temple or by a few on special occasions)
We see the glory in the person of Jesus

Think of Jesus glory at His baptism, miracles, resurrection, ascension

“No one has seen God at any time” (v18)

Those in the Old Testament only had glimpses
Jesus Christ has seen God (v18)
Jesus came to declare God – John 10:30, 6:46

Jesus is the self-revelation of God – the Word became flesh

As you see Christ you see God
Isaiah saw Jesus’ glory – do you?

The Glory of His Grace

Jesus is “full of grace” (v14)

Consider Mount Sinai when Moses face shone with glory

The glory of grace is far greater

The law of God causes people to draw back and fear

The grace of God causes us to draw near

Jesus encourages us to take His easy yoke and light burden

He calls all to come to Him
You may be fearful of the judgment of God

Grace calls you to Christ as it will cover all sin

The law bring judgment and death

Grace brings eternal life

The law cannot be kept

Grace has completed the word

Quote from Augustine

The law makes ready for Christ

Every Christian has received the fullness of God’s grace (v16)

Eternal life
Every spiritual blessing in heavenly blessings
Forgiveness, love, mercy and kindness

The Glory of the Gospel

Full of grace “and truth” (v14)

Truth is not just the words of Jesus Christ
Jesus Himself is the truth of God

He is the self-revelation of God
He is the Word made flesh

The full revelation of God and the gospel messages is in Jesus Christ

We are not full of grace and truth – example

The truth – the full plan of redemption found in Jesus

He is the gospel
Jesus means “Saviour” – He will save His people from their sin
Jesus will go to the cross and take the sin of the world upon Him
Jesus would offer a perfect sacrifice
God Himself in the person of His Son has dealt with our sin
Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended in to heaven
Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and will come again in judgment

Closing Remarks