September 12, 2021

The Value of a Soul (The Parable of the Lost Coin)

Passage: Acts 9:1-18, Luke 15:8-10
Service Type:


Jesus was not like the pharisees


He loved sinners – the setting of the three parables (v1-2)

The sinners “drew near” to Jesus
The “Pharisees and scribes complained”

Have you come to God because of His everlasting love for you?

Jesus came to preach good news to the poor

Looking at the second parable – The Parable of the Lost Coin

Each parable emphasises the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents

What a contrast to the pharisees and scribes

How will this week’s message be different from last week – the lost coin and the lost sheep


To bring out something special – the value of a soul
Consider some Christian teaching behind the parable


The value of all souls
The value of elect souls
The tragedy of self-deception

The value of all souls

Do you like singing the hymn – ‘teach me the value of a soul’

Have you considered your soul?

Made in the image of God
Made for fellowship with God

There is tremendous value in being human
The silver coin

Scholars say it was part of a head-dress worn as part of a dowry
Others say it was necessary for bartering for goods
However – it was of great value to the woman in the parable

What does the Bible teach about the soul?

“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?”

What do we set our heart upon?

Jesus said there is great danger in riches

Are you going to live for the things of the world or live for God?

How important is your soul?

Matt 10:28-31
Luke 12:20
Luke 12:24
Jesus wept over Jerusalem as they rejected Him
God desires that all should be saved

Do you see how precious your life is?

Think of what it cost the Lord Jesus


It cost Him everything

How will you respond this morning?

Will you ask for forgiveness?

The value of elect souls

Not all souls are saved – many perish

The wonderful electing grace of God

God has chosen us in grace

No-one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws you
Jesus calls all to Himself

Many are called but few are chosen – an outward and an inward call

Example of Levi, Peter, James, John, Nicodemus
Rom 8:30
John 6:40

The Apostle Paul – no greater example of the electing grace of God


Heaven rejoices when we repent of our sin

You are God’s forever

The tragedy of self-deception

The pharisees presumed they were righteous

v4 – “what man of you”

A shepherd was one of the lowliest jobs in Palestine

v8 – “what woman”

The pharisees and scribes – looked down on women
They were not allowed to be taught the law

They were complaining about Jesus sitting with sinners but God rejoices when sinners are saved

v7 – the 99 “just persons”

Jesus maybe speaking about the pharisees – as He was when describing the elder son in the third parable
A ‘barbed’ remark

What about you?

Is God’s word narrowing down on you?
Will you confess Jesus’ name?

If God is concerned about the one sinner – are we?

Example of Christian worker
People do a lot for material things – what burden do we have for the lost?