Old Llantrisant Hill
- Jesus was not like the pharisees
- He loved sinners - the setting of the three parables (v1-2)
- The sinners "drew near" to Jesus
- The "Pharisees and scribes complained"
- Have you come to God because of His everlasting love for you?
- Jesus came to preach good news to the poor
- Looking at the second parable - The Parable of the Lost Coin
- Each parable emphasises the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents
- What a contrast to the pharisees and scribes
- How will this week's message be different from last week - the lost coin and the lost sheep
- To bring out something special - the value of a soul
- Consider some Christian teaching behind the parable
- Overview:
- The value of all souls
- The value of elect souls
- The tragedy of self-deception
The value of all souls
- Do you like singing the hymn - 'teach me the value of a soul'
- Have you considered your soul?
- Made in the image of God
- Made for fellowship with God
- There is tremendous value in being human
- The silver coin
- Scholars say it was part of a head-dress worn as part of a dowry
- Others say it was necessary for bartering for goods
- However - it was of great value to the woman in the parable
- What does the Bible teach about the soul?
- "What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?"
- What do we set our heart upon?
- Jesus said there is great danger in riches
- Are you going to live for the things of the world or live for God?
- How important is your soul?
- Matt 10:28-31
- Luke 12:20
- Luke 12:24
- Jesus wept over Jerusalem as they rejected Him
- God desires that all should be saved
- Do you see how precious your life is?
- Think of what it cost the Lord Jesus
- It cost Him everything
- How will you respond this morning?
- Will you ask for forgiveness?
The value of elect souls
- Not all souls are saved - many perish
- The wonderful electing grace of God
- God has chosen us in grace
- No-one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws you
- Jesus calls all to Himself
- Many are called but few are chosen - an outward and an inward call
- Example of Levi, Peter, James, John, Nicodemus
- Rom 8:30
- John 6:40
- The Apostle Paul - no greater example of the electing grace of God
- Heaven rejoices when we repent of our sin
The tragedy of self-deception
- The pharisees presumed they were righteous
- v4 - "what man of you"
- A shepherd was one of the lowliest jobs in Palestine
- v8 - "what woman"
- The pharisees and scribes - looked down on women
- They were not allowed to be taught the law
- They were complaining about Jesus sitting with sinners but God rejoices when sinners are saved
- v7 - the 99 "just persons"
- Jesus maybe speaking about the pharisees - as He was when describing the elder son in the third parable
- A 'barbed' remark
- What about you?
- Is God's word narrowing down on you?
- Will you confess Jesus' name?
- If God is concerned about the one sinner - are we?
- Example of Christian worker
- People do a lot for material things - what burden do we have for the lost?