The revelation of God’s wisdom
- Looking at God's wisdom
- It is very deep
- It is easy to say I believe in the Trinity
- Have you really prayed and meditated upon this?
- What about Jesus being one person but having two natures?
- There are many things that are a mystery that belong to God
- There are things that are revealed that belong to us
- We need to Spirit of God to reveal them to us
- Bible College does not give us an instant understanding - we need the Spirit of God
- The simplest can understand through the Holy Spirit
- People only understand the Scriptures (especially the unbeliever) by the Holy Spirit
- Paul contrasts the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world
- He is worried that the wisdom of the world is infiltrating the church in Corinth
- They are acting in the flesh and carnal ways
- Favouriting preachers
- Division and infighting
- Jealousy
- People abusing spiritual gifts
- A great lack of love
- They are not spiritual people – 1 Cor 3:1-3
- They were still in their infancy
- It was a problematic church
- The wisdom of the world is coming to nothing (v6)
- The wisdom of God has been revealed by the Apostles in the Holy Scripture (New Testament)
- Examples
- Remember that you have the mind of Christ
- James 3:13-18
- The wisdom of the world is demonic – it brings division and unity - not love
- The wisdom of God is full of unity and mercy
- Paul is speaking to the mature Christians in Corinth (v6)
- The wisdom of the age
- Changes from time to time
- Can be hard to define
- The wisdom of one society might differ in another society
- Shaped by the media,
- Often pushed by people with agendas
- The wisdom of God
- Does not change (like man's wisdom)
- It is perfect
- The wisdom of man
- Looks only at the physical issues - the problems & solutions are man made
- E.g. wealth creation
- However, wealth creation has never solved man's problems
- Quote from author
- Cannot transform our world
- The manifold wisdom of God is found in the Church and the Scriptures
- Through the Holy Spirit
- The Apostles were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the Holy Scriptures
- The problems of the world is in corrupt human nature
- The solution is found in the gospel - the forgiveness of sin and transforming individual lives
- Ultimately - it is God's wisdom that is really transformative
- Rom 16:25-26 – the revelation was hidden - now revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ
- 1 Cor 1:21, 30 – Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God
- Col 1:26 – the mystery now revealed to believers
- Eph 3:4-5 – the mystery now revealed to the prophets and Apostles
- This wisdom is revealed for our glory (v7)
- That we would become the image of God in Christ
- The rulers were ignorant of who Jesus Christ was (v8)
- People today through their intellect cannot find God
- They crucified the Lord of glory
- The wisdom was revealed to the apostles (v10)
- To be passed on to us
- The Spirit reveals God's truth to our heart - He is our Teacher
- The Spirit searches all things - even the deep things of God
- We don't know people's minds
- No one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God (v11)
- Example
- We must pray for light and understanding
- Men teach but the Spirit leads us in all things
- God's wisdom has been freely given to us (v12)
- Ps 119:97-100 – the understanding of God's word is linked to obedience
- Ps 111:10
- We must obey the word of God
- The whole Scripture must be taught by the Holy Spirit (v13)
- We must understand the plain things
- We must compare spiritual things to spiritual things
- The Apostles were comparing spiritual things to spiritual things
- Using human devices without the Holy Spirit will not be beneficial
- The unconverted will not receive the things of the Spirit of God (v14)
- It is the Spirit of God who reveals things
- The converted judges all things - in the Spirit (v15)
- They are judged by no-one
- We must remember our position in Christ - explanation
- No-one knows the mind of God (v16)
- We have the mind of Christ
- Explanation
Closing Remarks