Old Llantrisant Hill
- We honour those who fight for us but we recognise that war is a gross evil
- War is a terrible thing - many lose their lives, many are maimed or orphaned, many suffer terribly
- Jesus says it is impossible that no offenses should come
- There will also be evil
- There will be division of relationships
- Humanity is deeply flawed by sin
- There will be wars and rumours of wars
- Romans 1 - God's wrath is poured out against the world
- Jesus is speaking to His disciples
- Take heed to your own lives
- Make sure you do not give offense to others
- Make sure you do not hurt or damage people
- Woe to those who do
- Luke 12 - Jesus warned the disciples to beware of false teachers
- Now He is warning them about themselves
- He is advising forgiveness and restoration
- Keep asking for forgiveness (v8)
- Overview:
- Avoiding Offending
- Rebuke Offenders
- Forgiveness
Avoiding Offending
- Offenses are towards other people but first and foremost towards God
- Examples
- We are to love God first and love another sincerely from the heart
- Sin is a transgression of His laws and rebellion from the heart
- Sin causes consequences
- Do not offend the 'little ones'
- Could mean children
- More likely to mean new believers and converts (Matt 18)
- It is a terrible thing to lead someone astray and cause someone to sin
- Examples
- Do we encourage others to sin?
- How do we avoid offending?
- Matt 18 / Mark 9
- Live in the fear of God
- Be serious about your own sin
- Titus 2:12
- Sin leads to hell - for your own sake (and God's honour) - do not live in sin
- Take heed to ourselves
- Jesus is giving an example of the importance of avoiding hell
- Jesus loved sinners and called them to Himself
- Jesus was earnest and serious
- As Christians we know the transforming power of the Holy Spirit
- Not to give way to the old nature
- Put on Christ and put off the old man
Rebuke Offenders
- Do not rebuke over minor issues but forgive
- Love covers over a multitude of sins
- We all fail
- When there are major issues
- Matt 5:23-24
- Matt 18
- Go to the offender alone - do not speak to others first
- Go with the spirit of desiring change
- Check there is no 'beam' in your own eye first
- Do we do this?
- We find it hard
- We stay away from the person who has hurt us
- We leave the situation
- We are afraid
- Often when we go there is reconciliation
- Matt 18 - take two with you to hear the testimony
- Matt 18 - if this fails, bring it to the whole church
- Matt 18 - if they will not repent, treat them as though they need to be converted
- We should not leave things
- Do you accept apologies?
- Do you want more?
- Do you want payback?
- Seven sins in one day - surely this can't be genuine forgiveness
- Jesus says to accept it
- How many times does God forgive us in one day?
- He is such a gracious and merciful God
- As God forgives us in Jesus Christ, ought we not to forgive others?
- If God has forgiven all our sin, how can we not forgive others?
- What does forgiveness mean?
- It means it is over
- It means not holding anything against them
- It means you love them
- It means not bring the situation up again
- Saying 'it is done with' / 'let's move on'
- God's forgiveness
- He does not remember our sin (by conscious decision)
- The devil often seeks to stir things up - we must pray and ask God for help
- It means a new start
- It means building new trust
- Not to churn up
- Not to wish harm or vengeance
- To pray for those who persecute us
- We do not sweep things under the carpet but we have the attitude of Jesus Christ
- Should we only forgive those who are repent? (v3-4)
- If they repent - forgive them
- Does God forgive unrepentant sinners?
- No, they are still under the judgment of God
- But Christ prayed for the unrepentant on the cross
- Stephen prayed for his unrepentant persecutors as he was dying
- We must pray for a forgiving heart
- Reading the book 'What is so amazing about grace?'
- The authors contention is that grace is needed for healing the 'ungrace' in world
- Only in forgiveness and repentance
- Grace is about showing love and mercy to others
Closing Remarks