The Promise of Heaven
- Yesterday:
- Only Christians go to Heaven
- A Christian is promised a place in God's House
- How to describe heaven?
- Jesus is in heaven
- Christians will be in heaven because they have faith in Jesus Christ
- We love the Gospel and the Bible
- We have the same hope - Christ in us
- We are seated in the heavenly places
- We are all one in Christ
- Matt 8:11 - There will be many in heaven
- The will "sit down"
- Perhaps speaking of the great banquet in heaven - the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
- You cannot be there without Christ's Righteousness
- Many will come
- v2 - Many mansions
- Matt 22 - the Parable of the Marriage Feast
- There is room for everyone - there is room for all
- All do not respond to the Gospel invitation
- People make excuses
- The wonderful thing is that many accept the invitation
- Are you excited to be at this great occasion?
- We will recognise others in heaven, but...
- There will not be marriage in heaven
- (We are married to Christ)
- Are you looking forward to meeting family and the forefathers?
- Examples
- The real reason for heaven is to meet our Saviour, face to face
- John 17:24
- v3 - Jesus is coming for us and will receive us to Himself
- Example of the boy in church
- What a promise!
- Acts 7:55-56
- Jesus is standing for Stephen
- Jesus is getting ready to receive Stephen
- 2 Cor 5:5-8
- We are confident to be with Christ
- 1 John 3:2
- We shall see Jesus as He is - glorified and exalted
- We shall not see Jesus how He was, but how He is
- Jesus is the only way to heaven, the only way to God
- Jesus is God
- Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Peter, James, John and Paul had a glimpse of this glory
- Jesus loves us [as Christians]
- We will not have a glimpse - we will see Jesus as He is
- We will be forever 'sunning' ourselves in God in heaven
- We will see the unveiled glory of God
Concluding Remarks
- Is this something you are looking forward to?
- Are you sure that you are going there?
- If not, why not?
- v1-3: Tremendous words
- If you find yourself in hell you have no-one to blame but yourself
- Christ is not willing that any should perish
- Will there not be a tremendous welcome for the Christian into heaven?
- v1-3