Old Llantrisant Hill
- A very important and informative parable
- cf 19:30 'Many who are first will be last' and 20:16 'the last will be first'
- Cryptic words and difficult to understand
- We ask God and the Holy Spirit to guide us
- Similar words in Luke's gospel
- v1-16
- Overview:
- Repetition of the parable
- Meaning of the parable
- Implications of the parable
Repetition of the Parable
- A hired worker was unskilled and on the lowest social scale (lower than a slave)
- They were often badly paid
- The landowner is being very gracious towards them
- They first lot start at 6am in the morning for 12 hours
- 1 denarius - a generous wage (paid similar to soldiers)
- The second lot of labourers are engaged at 9am
- He says he will give them "whatever is right"
- The third lot (12pm) and fourth lot (3pm)
- The fifth lot (5pm)
- Then the man calls them for payment
- God's provision for the poor in Leviticus
- He pays those who worked least first
- The last receive 1 denarius (as all the others)
- The men grumble
- The landowner asks why they are questioning his generosity
- Have we questioned this teaching?
Meaning of the Parable
- In context: this parable is in response to chapter 19
- The rich young ruler (19:16-26)
- The man thinks he is upright but Jesus sees his heart
- He is not living for God but for himself: idolatry and covetousness
- He though he was 'first' but actually he was 'last'
- Blind Bartimaeus (20:29-34)
- These were 'last' in society's eyes but were 'first' in Jesus' eyes
- So the first will be last and the last first
- Is there another nuance to receiving the same pay?
- There is a tie
- You may be a Christian all your life or an '11th' hour Christian - but you will still receive the same reward (eternal life)
- Is it just speaking about equality of reward?
- Sometimes we can fall into the trap of thinking that we deserve more from God than others
- God's ways are not our ways
- We must not despise those who are new to the Kingdom (especially if they are blessed)
- We are not owed anything
- God does not forget our hard work (19:27-29)
- But don't feel like you deserve it or have earned it
- It is all of grace
- Ezekiel 18 - it matters more how you end that how you begin
Implications of the Parable
- Application:
- God is a generous God
- The landowner is very kind and generous
- God is not unfair - God is more generous that we can ever imagine
- Does anyone deserve eternal life?
- Does anyone deserve the forgiveness of sins?
- Other examples
- How foolish we are to envy others
- We are to have generous hearts and to be kind to others
- We are not to hold onto a role or position
- v15 - we are not to have an evil eye
- v25-28 - God wants us to have a humble spirit
- We are called to be living sacrifices (Rom 12:1)
- We are to render "reasonable service"
- Be not discouraged for we receive the same blessing of eternal life
- Put the past behind you and look to the future
- For the unbeliever - God is willing to receive you at this late hour
- You must accept His terms
- You must repent of your sin and trust in Christ
- Humble yourself and come to God