The New Covenant
Covenants were established by the shedding of blood
The Old Testament covenants did not happen without the shedding of blood
Jesus as the Passover said the wine was His blood – He inaugurated a new covenant
It would replace something old
Here we have a contrast between the old and new covenant
The Holy Spirit writes the new covenant upon our heart and grants us freedom and liberty (v17)
It is glorious
The old covenant was of law and condemnation (v9)
How the new is better than the old
Expound the passage
Apply the passage
How the new covenant is better than the old covenant
No language of sacrifice or priests
The passage does not the words you might use to compare new and old
Instead it contrasts the better glory
It contrasts the righteousness in Jesus rather than condemnation in law
The old covenant required the shedding of blood
But we know this could not take away sin – it was symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ (John 1:29)
The old covenant was largely restricted to the Jews
The new covenant is open to all
Thank God that we come to the one sacrifice that is accepted – the blood of Jesus Christ
The High priest went in once a year, but his work was never done
In the old covenant, he had to make repeated sacrifice each year
In the new covenant, Jesus enters heaven itself and sits down as His work is completed
Not a continual sacrifice – a once for all sacrifice
The old covenant is based on the law and the letter kills (v6) and is a ministry of condemnation (v9)
We cannot keep the law so we are under a curse
The new covenant is about what God has done for us in Jesus Christ – saved by grace
The requirement for communion – is that you are resting alone on Jesus Christ, repented of your sin and trusting in Him
Reading Hebrews 12:18-24
We haven’t come to a place of fear and trembling
We haven’t come to Moses (the mediator of the old covenant) but Jesus (the mediator of the new covenant)
The people of the Old Testament could not bear this glory – we can draw near with boldness
The old covenant is condemning, the new covenant is transforming
There is so much more we could say – examples
Expound the passage
Looking at v7
The old commandments though glorious brought death because they could not be kept
Glory faded – e.g. from Moses face
The ministry of the spirit is far more glorious (v8)
Brightness and light
Like Jesus at the transfiguration
The ministry of righteousness is more glorious
Example of Paul – an exemplary Jew yet he could not overcome sin, the law did not save him but the grace of Jesus
Emphasis on the Holy Spirit (v6, 8, 17, 18)
There is a difference in how the Holy Spirit worked in Old Testament vs New Testament days
The old covenant was not a ministry of the spirit
The new covenant is a ministration of the Holy Spirit
John 14:16-17
John 16:7
The new covenant is much more glorious
The ministry of the old covenant came through words
The ministry of the new covenant comes through complete words (the Gospel and Jesus Christ)
It points us to the promises of God – Heb 8:7-13
‘I will’ vs ‘if then / do this’
Reading v12-18
Example of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus
Only the Spirit can take the veil away – we must pray God opens our and other’s eyes
We are being sanctified and changed into the image of Jesus Christ day by day
Apply the passage
Communion is a time to reflect
To re-dedicate ourselves to God
To live by the Spirit – obeying God’s commands under grace
To reflect on the glory of Christ at the mount of transfiguration
Moses representing the law
Elijah representing the prophets
Christ the Son of God
See no man but Jesus only