The Names of Jesus – Wonderful
Looking at Isaiah 9:6
(The names of Jesus)
The Context
Setting it in context
The days are dark, cold and wet – maybe miserable
Christmas time is a time to focus
Though Jesus was not born on Dec 25th and we do not need a tree
We must guard against materialism
People enjoy a holiday and being with family
It is an opportunity to proclaim the good news of Jesus
A reminder of the passage from Corinthians
Looking at a passage that speaks of the joy of Christmas
Jesus will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (9:6)
There shall be an end to war (9:5)
The dark background to the passage (8:19)
Many people were tempted to consult spiritist’s and mediums
There is a challenge – why do they go to these things?
A people in spiritual darkness
Only concerned in materialism (Isa 5:8)
Drunkenness (Isa 5:11)
Prostitution (Isa 3:16)
You may say this sounds like today
The gospel can shine brighter in the darkness around
Go back to the Scriptures (8:20)
The Church needs to stand upon the word of God
The Church needs to preach the whole counsel of God
Isaiah knew that God’s people were vulnerable and fearful
Isaiah begins to speak of better days (9:1)
There is hope
The Messiah will come to Galilee
We have seen the fulfilment of this
There will be great joy (9:3)
It is easy to become low and depressed by the world around
We are to be joyful
Jesus has come to forgive our sins
Jesus has come with good news
Isaiah 9:6
A Child is born
One promise already given – a Son (Isa 7:14)
The Son is given to us
He will be human (a Child) and divine (a Son)
Christianity is not like other religions
It is not about doing good or the balance of your deeds
Salvation is a free gift
Example of Jenny
Have you received the gift of Jesus Christ into your heart?
The government will be upon His shoulder
The responsibility will be on Him
He is the King of Kings
Something so staggering
There is no better counsellor than Jesus Christ
Might God, Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace
The only one that brings peace to man
Looking at these titles over the next few weeks
The words can be separate (Wonderful, Counsellor)
We can overuse the word wonderful
Biblical definition
Evoking a sense of awe, reverence, surprise, wonder, marvelling, trembling
Names are important – especially in the Bible
His name cannot be compared with any other
His names are all superlative
He stands alone
His name should evoke awe and wonder – it must not lose its impact on us
Example of Spurgeon
May we lift up the name of Jesus
Speaking of His relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit
In the Trinity – perfect love
Love needs an object
There was selfless love within the Trinity
God is love
In the Trinity – a glory we can never understand
Jesus left this glory to come to our world
His glory was hidden from us
Man was made in the image of the Trinity
He had a unique relationship with the Father and the Spirit
The Incarnation
Wonderful as the God-man
The Christmas story has many angels – examples
A divine and a human nature
Great is the mystery of godliness
The angels sang ‘glory to God in the highest’
The life of Jesus Christ
Never a step wrong, never anything wasted, never a wrong response
A perfect life
Our life is imperfect
But our hope is in Jesus Christ
To hear the Prince of all preachers
His heart burned for righteousness
He was humble
He understands us completely – being tempted in every way (but never sinned)
He sympathises with us
His deeds
Great miracles – examples
Go back and tell of the wonderful deeds God has done for you
The priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that Jesus did
His death (Isa 53)
Bruised for our inquities
Punished for our peace
Healed by His stripes
He died for us
Love Divine, all loves excelling
Do we say His name is wonderful?
He rose again and ascended into heaven
He has become the chief cornerstone
He has been given all dominion
He is the head of the Church
His name shall be called wonderful
Jesus sticks closer than a brother
We have a wonderful Saviour