Christmas Story #1 – Zacharias
Beginning a new series for Christmas
Looking at the Christmas story (in the morning)
Looking from the different gospels
The 2021 Census – 37% of the UK declare themselves to be non-religious
The Humanist Society says the UK is one of the least religious countries in the whole world
While 46% identify as Christian, 50% do not believe that Jesus is real
How many people are in Church today and really believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour?
The UK needs a revival
This morning thinking of John the Baptist who was used to waken the nation of Judea
Thinking not so much of him but his father – Zacharias
A time of spiritual apostasy
Many claimed to be children of God as they were children of Abraham
Yet they did not have the same faith as Abraham
John the Baptist was sent to turn these people back to the Lord
v16, 17
His ministry would be turning many hearts back to God
The Birth of John the Baptist was staggering
Both Zacharias and Elizabeth were advanced in years
John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth
God was sending a prophet to prepare the way for the Messiah
To concentrate on the unbelief of Zacharias
God dealt with this in a dramatic way – he was struck dumb
He could not speak a word, because he doubted the word of God
We have to be so careful with unbelief – it is a serious sin
His unbelief never hindered the plans of God
Gods plans cannot be frustrated
God is always victorious
God’s Purposes
A low time in Israel’s history
They had known the failed Macabean revolt
They were under the control of the Romans
500 years of silence from God and prophets
500 years since the last miracle
Their religion had become very formal and their hearts were far from God
God broke into the silence
God sent an angel from heaven
The angel Gabriel speaks to Zacharias
That the Messiah will come
God will change the spiritual scene
Who was Zacharias?
He was from the hill country of Judea
A simple priest – not notable or high up
He was one of 18,000 priests
Part of the division of Abijah
There were 24 divisions
Yet he and Elizabeth were both righteous before God
He was righteous – because he (and his wife) believed God, the had faith in the coming Messiah
He was (and his wife were) walking in righteousness (v6)
They were keeping the commandments of God
What a challenge to us!
Elizabeth was barren and they were both old
There was a stigma upon them – barrenness was seen as a sign of God’s curse
Reproach was taken away from her (v25)
God often uses ordinary people
Example of Abraham, David, the Disciples
Sometimes there seem to be inconsequential people in inconsequential circumstances – who bring blessings to people
Example of the Naaman’s servant girl and Gideon
One of 18,000 priests in 26 divisions
He offered in the temple twice a year
But not everyone could go into the ‘Holy of Holies’
The lot fell to Zacharias (v9) to burn incense – this would only occur once in a priest’s life
You could not get any closer to the presence of God
An angel appeared to him
When people see angels – there is tremendous fear
They come from the presence of God, they come from the purity of heaven
Zacharias was fearful and troubled (v12)
The angel said their prayer had been heard (v13)
Perhaps praying for a child?
Perhaps praying for the Messiah to come?
God had their prayer
God does hear our prayers and always answer – yes, no, wait
The angel said Elizabeth would bear a child and he would be called John (v13)
Not a family name
A special name – John, meaning ‘God is gracious’
For great joy and gladness
A child separated by God
He will go before the Messiah – a fulfilment of Malachi’s prophecy
Zacharias’ response – doubt
Didn’t Mary say something similar?
She was enquiring – not a heart of unbelief, because she said ‘let it be according to your word’
Even though he stands in the presence of a chief Angel – he doubted
He would have known and taught about Abraham and Sarah
He would have know about Isaac and Jacob
He would have know about others that were barren (at least 5 examples)
He did not believe
When God speaks to us – do we believe the word of God or doubt?
Heb 3:12,19; 4:2, 11:6
We must people of faith and trust in the word of God
Zacharias was mute because he did not believe
How difficult this would have been
After the child was born – at his circumcision
His tongue is loosed and he speaks wonderful words of God
If we are unbelieving – ask the Lord to forgive and cleanse us
God chooses ordinary people to do big things for Him – examples
God hears the prayers of His people
Believe Him for it