The Names of Jesus – Prince of Peace
Reading Isaiah 9:6-7
Example of Christmas Eve Truce during the First World War – a fragile peace
For men to be at peace with men – there must be backing down, talking, compromise
Human nature often prevents this
Peace is often lost
We do not often achieve peace
Sometimes peace can only be achieved through war – to overcome an agressor
Peace has often been achieved through war
Tonight – talking about the Prince of Peace
Jesus accomplished peace through war
Prince – a glorious one
An enemy – the devil
Think of human nature and the possibility of evil
A company of angels appeared – a historic occurence
Peace to all men
Where is this peace? – we do not see it in some countries
These are not vain words
Jesus will conquer and overcome the wicked one
He will bring forgiveness of sin
Those who have repented of their sin will have peace with God
At Christ’s second coming – He will reign and there will be peace
Isaiah gave these names to Jesus Christ
He is Wonderful
A Counsellor – none like Him
Mighty God and Everlasting Father
This evening – Prince of Peace
Micah 5:2, 4-5
Example of the demon possessed man – what peace!
A spiritual war – Rev 12
Explanation of some of the pictures – Herod, Joseph,
Jesus lived in obscurity for many years
At the age of 30 He started His public ministry
He was baptised and the devil tempted Him, though He did not yield but overcame the temptations
He began to preach and people initially marvelled but then wanted to kill Him
Jesus loved people
His weapons were truth, righteousness and love
He was betrayed by Judas
He prayed in anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane
He has an unfair trail before being crucified
Jesus overcame evil at the cross
Jesus bore our sin in His body
Jesus died as a substitute in our place
God’s wrath was poured on the Lamb of God
Jesus cried out ‘It is finished’
A victory has been won – over sin and hell
If you want peace with God, the forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God
Come to God
You can know peace with God
You can know the peace of God
There is great anxiety and lack of peace in the world – example
The peace of God guards our hearts and minds
Not a temporary peace like with man but a permanent peace
Christ brings enemies together – Jew and Gentile
This peace is a foretaste of His everlasting peace when He comes again
Isaiah 9:7
Our hope is not in this world – but in Jesus
On His return – there will be a judgment
How will you stand?
If you have peace with God you have nothing to fear