December 25, 2023

Christmas Story #5 – The Wise Men

Passage: Matthew 2:1-11
Service Type:


Romans 1:16
The message first to the Jew
Prophecies are being fulfilled – Isaiah, Psalm 72:11
Thinking of the wise men

Not an easy thing
It would have taken a long time to get there – consider the age of Jesus (an infant)


Who were the wise men?

Maybe philosophers – thinking about the meaning of life?
Maybe astronomers, astrologers, kings?
The word magi – they can probably be traced back to ancient Babylon

They can interpret dreams to a point

Probably from Persia, Arabia or Babylon – we cannot be dogmatic
They had means
They were gentiles (not Jews)

This reminds us that Jesus came to save both Jew and Gentile
The Shepherds has good tidings of great joy to all people – including these gentile kings

They were deeply impacted

They fell down and worshipped the infant Jesus

We will never full know

But what is the impact of the birth of Jesus Christ on you?
Do you want to share the good news?

How did they know about Jesus birth?

They saw "His" star in the east – how did they know this was His star?

Maybe they had interpreted the writings of Daniel by Divine revelation
Maybe they had copies of the Torah (the Prophecy in Numbers 24:17)
Perhaps God revealed it directly to them

There are many details we do not know in Scripture – but this does not matter if we trust God

We see prophecy revealed
We see that what it says is true

We believe that God is God

God may use natural and divine revelation
Has the word of God touched your life?
Example of the Bereans – will you search the Bible?

What is this star?

A supernova, a planetary conjunction, etc

We do not need to get caught up in details

How many wise men were there?

We do not prove God

Example of modern technology
If man can do these things – what is God able to do?

Did the star move?

It appeared in the East and then it reappeared in Bethlehem

Why did the wise men go to Herod?

They are dignitaries so they go to a royal palace

They expect Herod to know the birth place of a king
They go to Jerusalem – the central city

They discover that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem and Herod did not know His location
People often search in the wrong places

It is not about looking for holy places

God does dwell in places made by human hands

God is not far from any one of us
If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him

What is your desire?
Do you desire to find God in your life?

How did they find Jesus?

The Pharisees and the Scribes understood the Scriptures

Even though they were unholy – they knew these things
Micah 5:2

The Jews understood Jesus would come from the line of David in Bethlehem

The wise men are lead to the Saviour

God can use all means to bring people to Himself

What did they do when they go there?

They bowed down and worshipped Jesus (v11)

What is our worship like?


You only bow down to someone who is worthy of worship

They bring gifts:

Gold – Deity/Kingship
Myrrh – for the embalming of bodies

The gifts are prophetic

Showing who Jesus Christ is

Closing Remarks

The conclusion of the Christmas story

Found in two gospels (Matthew and Luke)

More is made about His death and resurrection
Less about His birth

We can give thanks this morning for His birth

John 3:16

Have you believed in Him?