December 17, 2023

The Names of Jesus – Mighty God

Passage: John 1:1-12, Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25
Service Type:


Key Text – "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isa 9:6)

Recent message at the Nursing Home – Good news of great joy – for all people

Jesus is truly wonderful
He is a marvellous counsellor
This evening – considering Mighty God, Everlasting Father

Who is Jesus?

What do you think of Jesus?

A historical figure?
A guru?
A good teacher?

Why is the Bible the biggest selling book in the whole world?

Why has it affected multiple nations?
Why is our society founded on the Scriptures?

Do you think you should follow Jesus’ moral example?
Jesus is Mighty God

How can a little baby be a mighty God?
Do you think about the words/meaning of carols

Example from ‘Hark the Herald’

God veiled in the flesh
Humanity joined with Deity

Example from ‘O Come all ye Faithful’

The infinite God being contracted to a span
An incomprehensible truth
One God – united in three persons

Christianity is not about man reaching God but God reaching man

A staggering miracle that God came down to earth
There is no other way that sin can be forgiven

Nothing is hidden from God’s sight
How can we as sinners stand before a Holy God?

God has provided a solution – He has sent His only Son

Jesus lived a perfect sinless life
Jesus was unique
He came into this world to offer His life as an atonement for sin
A God of judgment and a God of love

We can stand before God because Christ is Mighty God

He took our sins upon Himself
He robed us in His righteousness
This is the message of Christianity

Do you believe this?
If you do – your life will be transformed
As Jesus died for you – you will live for Him

The Scriptures are explicit

Joseph had a clear word
The shepherds heard the angels
The wise men followed a star

They bowed before Christ and offered their gifts
They worshipped Him

John 1:1,14
Line from Mary did you know
Luke 3:22

Why Mighty God?

Do we think of Him as mighty or weak?
Do we think of Him in terms of the limitations of humanity?

He had a real human body
Yet He had omnipotence – examples of miracles

Lines from Mary did you know

His greatest miracle as Mighty God – His authority to forgive sin

We could not pronounce the forgiveness of sins
Only God can do this
Yet Jesus forgave people’s sins

He has the power to forgive sin
Are you weighed down, do you feel burdened? – Jesus can forgive sin
Example of the immoral woman
Are you to proud to admit you are a sinner?

Everlasting Father

Jesus is not God the Father – but He has the same characteristics:

No beginning and no end
He lived, died and ascended
He is the eternally blessed God
He is the source of all life

He entreats people to come to Him – He will give them rest

Religion can weigh you down
A relationship with God through Jesus Christ sets you free
Come to Jesus and He will receive you – He offers everlasting life

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isa 9:6)

You can know peace with God through Jesus Christ
You can be reconciled with God
You can have peace with God
You can have the peace of God in your hearts

Lord Jesus Christ

A covenant title
Are you in relationship with Him?
Do you know forgiveness of sins?
Kingdoms come and go … but the kingdom of God will increase

Jesus Christ will return and set up a kingdom in which He will reign
Are you ready for His coming?

Closing Remarks