Christmas Story #3 – Joseph
400 years of silence
A first breaking in – God sends an angels to speak to Zacharias, who does not believe
A second breaking in – to Mary who believed
A third breaking in – to Joseph
God comes to a man: Joseph
The Angel Gabriel does not appear physically, but in a dream
An Unexpected Dilemma
An Unusual Intervention
Untold Blessing
An Unexpected Dilemma
Joseph is looking forward to marriage
But there is an unexpected dilemma – Mary is pregnant
He is likely devastated – imagine his thoughts (examples)
In Jewish society – engagement was a vow and a pledge to marry, a contract, as if you had already been married (v19)
Joseph was in a dire situation
The only way out was for public divorce – it would have been extremely painful
He did not want to make a public show – he did not want to shame her
He wanted to quietly put her away
Joseph did not know the conception was supernatural from God
We too have (unexpected) dilemmas
Sometimes we cannot see a way out
We can make the wrong judgment if we do not have all the facts
We must not always do what is best for us, but think what is best for others
Did not do anything in haste (v20) – examples
This is a lesson for us – do not be hasty but bring everything to God in prayer
Our most painful dilemmas often involve the family – examples
Betrayal is hard – the consequences can be catastrophic
There is pain but no malice in his heart
We should pray, look to God and seek counsel from others
Seek the wisest – not the ‘best’ solution
Sexual impurity is important
It is an ‘easy’ sin to fall into
Where there is repentance, there can be full forgiveness and restoration
God can repair broken situations
An Unusual Intervention
Was Joseph accustomed to dreams?
This is more than just a vivid dream – he knows God has spoken to Him
He was not expecting this
Reading v18-20
Behold – an angel appeared
Mary your wife
God intervenes at just the right time
Imagine the consequences of divorce
Jesus would have had no legal right to the throne of David
Yet God intervenes in history
Examples in the Old Testament: Joseph, Moses, Laban
God preserves His people
What about us?
It is highly unlikely God will send an angel to us – they are reserved for very specific circumstances
God can intervene in our situations
Example of the Spanish Armada and D-Day
Untold Blessing
The blessings are tremendous
Jesus will be born (v21)
God’s people had been expecting the Messiah
Anna, Simeon, Nathaniel
The Messiah to be given to a young/simple couple from Galilee
The name Jesus was given – meaning Saviour
He has come to rescue His people from their sin
His people
Not just for Israel/the Jews, but all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
Those who believe are totally forgiven and acquitted from the consequences of sin – hell and the punishment of God
You are clothed in Jesus Christ and considered a child of God
You can never be ‘unsaved’
Scripture is fulfilled in Jesus Christ – Isa 7:14
Religion is about man reaching God
Christianity is about God reaching down to Man
Salvation for your soul and God will be with us forever
Do you believe this?
So easy (belief) and so hard (renouncing of self)
Have you believed in the Lord Jesus?
Jesus does not save everybody – only those who trust and believe in Him
Joseph did as he was commanded (v24)
May we too obey the word of God
We are saved to be obedient to the purposes and will of God
There is untold blessings in obedience