April 10, 2022

The King enters Jerusalem

Passage: Luke 19:1-40
Service Type:


Do you wonder if we should be joining in the (Palm Sunday) song the people were singing?

These people sang this song but then several days later cried out Crucify Him
For many – there praise was fickle and the were caught up in the moment
Their worship was insincere and did not come from the heart
They wanted a king to overthrow the Romans
They were crying out Hosanna – Lord save us, but they wanted a physical saving
They were not worshiping Him as Lord and Saviour

Should we be joining in?

There were some in the crowd who were sincere
It is right and proper we sing these words – but have we sung with understanding
We sing with our heart towards God and our minds engaged
Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?
Is your worship sincere?


His Royal Leadership
His Humble Majesty
The Response – the crowd, the pharisees, our response

His Royal Leadership

Overview of upcoming events – His death and resurrection

It is His final week

John 12:1

He has come from Jericho were the blind Bartimaeus called out ‘Son of David’
Jesus had made the 16 mile walk from Jericho to Jerusalem

He went ahead of the disciples

He had set His face as flint / steadfastly to the place of death
He is obedient to His Father
He is going alone to the cross – His disciples will abandon or betray Him
He goes ahead as a Captain and a Good Shepherd
He goes into battle on the cross to set us free
What a glorious Saviour – He needed no help!

He is orchestrating all things

Mary had anointed His body ready for burial
He was spending time with His close friends

John 12:9

There was a colt / donkey reserved for Him

Zech 9:9

He tells His disciples what to say and there is power in the words of Christ
He fulfills ancient Scripture as prophesied by Zechariah 500 years before
We see His omniscience

He knew the donkey was there
Example of Nathaniel

The Lord ‘needs’ the donkey

God is in need of nothing
We cannot add anything to God
Yet God chooses to use us

Example of using a boy’s lunch to perform a miracle, the disciples boat, using fisherman
He wants to use us

Jesus needed a virgin womb (Isa 7:14), a new colt (Zech 9:9), a new tomb (Isa 53:9)

Do you ever see Jesus as a victim or a royal leader?

See a gracious Saviour
He is patient and tender
Come to Him – day is the day of salvation

His Humble Majesty

A donkey – not a stallion or war house

Consider the red carpet treatment of Royalty

Jesus comes meekly with no pomp or ceremony

Simple beauty as people took off their coats and cut down palm branches to line the way

His birth was humble
Growing up He had nowhere to lay His head
The tax collectors and sinners saw His gentleness and graciousness

Are you burdened and restless?
Are you ashamed of your sin?
We have a gentle Saviour who will receive all who come to Him

The children were singing Jesus’ praise

The Response
The Crowds

They are praising Jesus for the things they have seen – miracles (v37)

They have seen Jesus’ power
They say ”

Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”
They now use the name ‘Son of David’

See also Matthew, Mark and John – this passage is found in all 4 gospels, which is unusual and important

Sadly, many are just caught up in the moment

We do see this in Christendom – examples

Reading Ps 24:7-10

Jesus is not a mighty warrior, a political leader who will fight with the sword
But a might warrior who will defeat Satan at the cross and set His people free

Luke 19:48 – there were some who meant this blessing and were attentive to Him

What does the blessing mean?

We cannot bless God
However, we return love to Him as He first loved us

What does peace in heaven mean?

It might remind you of the Christmas song
There is perfect harmony in heaven
Peace because sin is being propitiated

The Pharisees

They want Jesus to rebuke His disciples (v39)

They do not understand
They do not want to hear the truth

The heart of man is hostile and rebellious
Unless the Spirit of God is working in their heart

Jesus said if they were to be silent – the rocks would cry out

Maybe metaphorical language
But there is significance in stones – the temple stones, the rocks split at crucifixion, the tomb with the great stone

Our Response

What is your response?

What are you going to do with the message this morning?
Will you worship Jesus?
He will save you from sin
He will give you a new heart
He is one who loves sinners

If you do not praise Him – the stones will

When He comes again – there will be a time of judgment when people will call for the stones to fall upon them

Come to Him now

Cry out Hosanna