April 10, 2022

Before you Marry

Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Service Type:

N.B. Apologies that the first minute of the opening remarks were missed

There are many advantages to being single

Some are called to marry and some are called to be single

Considerations about marriage during distressing times

If we don’t understand the context – we will misinterpret the passage
The threat of persecution (v26)
For example – marriage in time of war is not always advisable
Don’t get so bound up in your relationship and not be able to move past earthly thinking
Have a light hold on your marriage – we must not misunderstand or misuse the word of God to justify wrong behaviour

What does the passage have to do with me?

We must interpret Scripture aright – we must not take things out of context, Scripture interprets Scripture, we must pray, we have the elders of the Church to teach

We must not act without discernment – we must have a devotional heart but use our minds

There is a squeeze upon the Church at present times
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God (and profitable for training in righteousness) – no part of Scripture is irrelevant

Some may give us central doctrine
Other passages may have lesser weight

Speaks about Christian conscience (v26)

This is Paul’s considered view guided by the Spirit of God
There may be freedom of choice – examples


Giving wise advice
How to act in distressing times
What is for my spiritual advantage?
Making the right decision

Giving wise advice (v25)

What Paul is now addressing – Jesus did not speak specifically about – yet he will give his judgment as one made trustworthy by God

He was the last of the apostles
He received direct revelation from God
He had been entrusted with the gospel and as a teacher of Jesus Christ
He has the Spirit of God (v40)

This advice not received by direct revelation

He gives his considered judgment

Not to make quick decisions – serve God in the state you were called in


His judgment about marriage – including those divorced or widowed

If you are married – continue in marriage

We have already looked at this in earlier verses
This is a bigger principle

If you are married – do not seek divorce
If you are single/divorced – do not seek marriage

1 Cor 2:16 – all Christians have the mind of Christ

We do not expect an answer to ‘fly’ into our minds (even with prayer)

We must ask a number of questions
We must bring principles of Scripture to bear – examples

We must seek guidance

We must consider providence
We must wait on God

We are called to give wise advice because we have the mind of Christ

God can use us to give wise advice
We can give wise advice in smaller area

How to act in distressing times (v26-31)

Distressing times

He knew what it was to cause pain – Saul had caused such great distress (before his salvation when he was a persecutor of the Church) – examples
He knew what it was to receive pain – examples
He understood distressing times

He did not want people to experience pain

Do you have a calling to marriage? (v28)

Paul has already said ‘it is better to marry than burn’
But he now writes to them because he wants to spare them (v28)
Think carefully

You need to be prepared emotionally, psychologically and spiritually (v29)

You must have a light hold on the things of the world but set your mind on heaven
Be thankful for your spouse – but things can change
Do not let your emotions dominate you
We are so often earthly minded – examples
How much of our mind is on the eternal?
Have a control on your emotions (v30)
Paul is not saying to not show emotion – but have them in balance and don’t get too taken up in them
Things of the world are so often like a vapour

Trust in Christ and keep your eyes on the eternal

What is for my spiritual advantage? (v32-35)

Reading v32-35b
Paul is a realist

Some people think marriage will be a utopia
Paul recognises there may be divided loyalties in a marriage

We are first and foremost a Christian and therefore our most important relationship is with the Lord
We will find conflict at times

The unmarried can be devoted to the Lord

This is not to tie peoples hands (v35) but his wise judgment
You can avoid conflict over finances and the pain of illness

Singleness is to their spiritual advantage

We prosper in peace though trials bring growth

Making the right decision (v36ff)

This begins to address a 1st Century cultural tradition – fathers giving their daughter(s) away in marriage

Reading v36-38
Due to the present distress – you can allow your daughter to marry but it is better not to marry

Remember that Scripture teaches that marriage is good

Reading v39

It is the doctrine of the devil to contradict marriage (1 Tim 4:3)
You should not be unequally yoked – marry in the Lord

This is Paul’s judgment

He wants to help the people of Corinth make their own decisions

We make our decisions before God – but we must seek to make the right one

We must think through the whole issue

Closing Remarks