The Great Commission
- A missionary text because of our recent journey
- Is the Great Commission the Great 'Omission' in the UK?
- Is Evangelism not at the forefront of the church?
- The context of this verse
- To take the gospel out, not just to the Jews but to the Gentiles and all nations
- When: The message given shortly before Jesus was to depart from the earth
- His last words
- Why: Because He would no longer be with His disciples
- This is a call to evangelise
A Call to Evangelise
- Example of answer to question
- Some people are called by God to be full-time Evangelists
- A Godly call
- Jesus' words to 11 disciples - a word [call] specifically to them
- 1 Tim 1:12
- It is God that calls/places people into ministry
- Jeremiah is called of God
- Moses was called of God
- Personal example
- Not all will be for you
- 1 Tim 4
- Heb 5:4
- The Great Commission applies in particular to those who are called in a full-time way
- But it does apply to the whole of the Church
- Eph 4
- The Church has many needs today: we need more full-time workers
- Are we willing to say as Isaiah, 'here I am send me'?
- Maybe not full-time service, but maybe God has something for us to do
- If God calls us, He will equip us
The Basis for Going
- We go as an ambassador for God
- We receive the message and are to pass it on exactly as we received it
- Example of Jim Elliot
- We go in Christ's strength
Consider the Task
- It does not say to make converts but to make disciples
- Only God can bring conversion
- He will bring sanctification
- We are to help make disciples
- Discipleship is required to help teach others about God
- Example
- "Teaching them to observe all things"
- We must never underestimate the power of consecutive expository ministry
- Pulpit ministry, regular preaching & teaching, coming along side
- Regular teaching - examples
- Living a godly life - seeing the truth in action
- Baptism
- An ordinance for the apostles, later passed on to elders
- A sign of people professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
- Example
- Why is there no record of certain people in Scripture being baptised
- Jesus had come to preach and convert, not baptise
- This would be done later (but early on in their faith)
- On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out
- Repentance and faith the two qualifications for baptism
- In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - to emphasise belief in the Triune God
The Promise that is Given
- Jesus is with us even to the end of the age
- This verse must apply today because we have not yet reached the end of the age
- It is for the Church in all times
Closing Remarks