The death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
Bible Text: Acts 5:30-33 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction
Opening remarks
To go beyond Palm Sunday – to the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
This is the heart of Christianity – explanation
Acts 5:30-33
The Meaning of the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
The purpose of the death, resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
The Meaning
Notice to whom Jesus is speaking – the Pharisees and the Sadducees
Peter is intimidated but the first thing he says is that we ought to obey God and not men
Peter identifies with them
Not a new religion but the fulfillment of their religion
We must be clear today that Christianity is a continuation of the Jewish religion
The God of the New Testament is the God of the Old Testament
“The God of our fathers”
Peter speaks of Jesus being raised up
This was a position they diametrically opposed
The Sadducees didn’t even believe in the resurrection
None of them believed that God had raised Jesus from the dead
He knows it is a central truth that must be proclaimed
Peter (and 500 others) were eye witnesses of the resurrection – examples
Peter and the other apostles were prepared to die for this (and martyred)
This truth was undeniable but the leaders didn’t want to know
The leaders continued in their unbelief
They continued in the religious traditions despite losing power
Not an abstract doctrine
A person – the Man God
A person – not just believe but follow Him
The Church is not about rules of morality but about Jesus Christ (though we live moral lives in Him)
Are you ignoring Jesus?
Peter says the leaders had murdered Jesus
In one sense we are all responsible because of our sins
Peter charges them with responsibility
Hanging on a tree – Deut 21:23 a curse from God
Treated the holy One of God as though He was cursed
He is also saying that He was cursed hanging on the tree – by God because He took the sins of many
Do you see this is a blessing?
Do you see the immense love of God?
Do you believe this?
Our sin took Him to the cross and crucified Him
Ask for forgiveness
Peter says He was exalted
He went to the right hand of the Father
He was crowned with glory and honour
All of the shame, ridicule and dishonour was over – He sat as Prince honoured amongst the angels
He was made a little lower than the angels
God accepted His sacrifice and raised Him from the dead
He sits in the heavenly places – explanation
He is Prince
He is the Prince of peace
He is the Prince of life also
Prince – can be translated as author and captain
He is the principle, the first, the glorious one
Have you submitted to Him?
He has come to save you and wants Lordship over your life
He is Saviour
He is God and Saviour – this should give us hope
He came to save sinners
We are all sinners
Has He rescued you?
Call out to Jesus to be saved
Christianity depends on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
The Purpose
To give repentance to Israel
Jesus had come first for the Jew, then to the Gentiles
Acts 11:18
Repentance is a profound change of mind with respect to Jesus Christ
To understand that Jesus is like no other
God’s very own Son
A change of mind with respect to yourself
To recognise we are a desperate sinner
A turn from sin
A very difficult concept for Peter’s listeners to understand
They tithed, prayed and went often to the church – they were very religious
They thought they were accepted because of their tradition
Example of Gonzalez and Richard Bennett
God had already started to work in the religious leaders – Joseph of Arimethea, Nicodemus, Gamaliel
This is a gift of God
The gift of repentance
The gift of faith – cf Acts 6:7
The purpose is to give repentance and the forgiveness of sins
It is a gift of God
But we have a personal obligation to repent
“God commands all men everywhere to repent”
Have faith now – God will give you the gift of faith
Closing Remarks