The Cost of being a Disciple
Some words of Scripture are quite radical
We must lay aside everything
Do we try to rationalise this – it is about discipleship and not salvation?
Does Jesus separate discipleship from salvation?
Why should we shy away from this demand?
A very challenging passage:
Salvation is not easy
It is not a matter of just praying a prayer
There must be understanding of the choice and the cost of following Him
Personal example
Jesus is saying that people need to use their minds
Christianity is first and foremost of the mind
The will then responds to this truth
Jesus taught people to think and weigh up, not be impulsive or rash
Hard teaching next to glorious teaching in Scripture
Last week: the parable of the great supper
After this He has multitudes following Him
He is concerned they understand the cost of following Him
Being a disciple
The cost of being a disciple
v26, 27, 33 – the terms of being a disciple
Emphasised 3 times
v35 – Jesus does not want the people to remain blind
Being a disciple
To learn from your master and put this into practice
A disciple is not above their master
The first disciples
Called to leave their profession
Luke 5:1-11 – Peter and co left all
Luke 5:27-28 – Levi left his livelihood but not his house
Luke 18:28-30 – Jesus promises a reward for those who have sacrificed
Do we need to forsake all?
Mary & Martha and other Christians kept their homes
Paul often stayed in the homes of believers
1 Cor 7 – stay in your calling (job/relationship state)
No – but it should be at God’s disposal
Have a light hold
How much?
You are asking the wrong question
Luke 9:23-25
Deny yourself – you renounce yourself and surrender to Him
Not the cost of discipleship separate from salvation but the terms of salvation
Luke 9:57-62
Jesus has no physical security
He is trusting His heavenly Father
Do not use family situations as an excuse to follow God
Whether a burial
Whether turning back
It is not part time but a whole way of life
Someone who follows the Lord Jesus
“Dulos” – a slave
A free offer of salvation
He offered Himself as Lord and Saviour
Not to preach a half message – you must count the cost
The cost of being a disciple
To call people to think
The person sits down – 2 examples in v28 and v31
No ‘pressing a person into the kingdom’
Personal example
A radical decision
Christ must come first
Before our family and other relationships:
Not to hate – Scripture clearly calls us to love
Jesus is using this word metaphorically
He is Lord – allegiance to Him comes first
You love Him above all your dreams and desires
The cost to some Christians is very great – examples
Christ must come before ourselves
Example of Paul
Matt 13:44-46
Christianity is not an insurance but a great treasure
The cost:
Example of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
Are you prepared to crucify yourself?
Consider the example of marriage
Enter carefully into the kingdom of heaven
Salt – v34-35
Has your life become insipid?
Are you holy?
What about life – do you love sin?
Are you abiding in Jesus?
Is the savor of God in your life?
The discipline or the wrath of God
They did not finish
Have you ‘closed’ with Christ?
Come as you are but understand the cost