Old Llantrisant Hill
- Some words of Scripture are quite radical
- We must lay aside everything
- Do we try to rationalise this - it is about discipleship and not salvation?
- Questions:
- Does Jesus separate discipleship from salvation?
- Why should we shy away from this demand?
- A very challenging passage:
- Salvation is not easy
- It is not a matter of just praying a prayer
- There must be understanding of the choice and the cost of following Him
- Personal example
- Jesus is saying that people need to use their minds
- Christianity is first and foremost of the mind
- The will then responds to this truth
- Jesus taught people to think and weigh up, not be impulsive or rash
- Hard teaching next to glorious teaching in Scripture
- Last week: the parable of the great supper
- After this He has multitudes following Him
- He is concerned they understand the cost of following Him
- v26-27
- Overview:
- Being a disciple
- The cost of being a disciple
- v26, 27, 33 - the terms of being a disciple
- Emphasised 3 times
- v35 - Jesus does not want the people to remain blind
Being a disciple
- To learn from your master and put this into practice
- A disciple is not above their master
- The first disciples
- Called to leave their profession
- Luke 5:1-11 – Peter and co left all
- Luke 5:27-28 – Levi left his livelihood but not his house
- Luke 18:28-30 – Jesus promises a reward for those who have sacrificed
- Do we need to forsake all?
- Mary & Martha and other Christians kept their homes
- Paul often stayed in the homes of believers
- 1 Cor 7 - stay in your calling (job/relationship state)
- No - but it should be at God's disposal
- How much?
- You are asking the wrong question
- Example
- Luke 9:23-25
- Deny yourself - you renounce yourself and surrender to Him
- Not the cost of discipleship separate from salvation but the terms of salvation
- Luke 9:57-62
- Jesus has no physical security
- He is trusting His heavenly Father
- Do not use family situations as an excuse to follow God
- Whether a burial
- Whether turning back
- It is not part time but a whole way of life
- Someone who follows the Lord Jesus
- "Dulos" - a slave
- A free offer of salvation
- He offered Himself as Lord and Saviour
- Not to preach a half message - you must count the cost
The cost of being a disciple
- To call people to think
- The person sits down - 2 examples in v28 and v31
- No 'pressing a person into the kingdom'
- Personal example
- A radical decision
- Christ must come first
- Before our family and other relationships:
- Not to hate - Scripture clearly calls us to love
- Jesus is using this word metaphorically
- He is Lord - allegiance to Him comes first
- You love Him above all your dreams and desires
- The cost to some Christians is very great - examples
- Christ must come before ourselves
- Example of Paul
- Matt 13:44-46
- Christianity is not an insurance but a great treasure
- The cost:
- Example of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
- Are you prepared to crucify yourself?
- Consider the example of marriage
- Enter carefully into the kingdom of heaven
- Salt – v34-35
- Has your life become insipid?
- Are you holy?
- What about life - do you love sin?
- Are you abiding in Jesus?
- Is the savor of God in your life?
- The discipline or the wrath of God
- They did not finish
- Have you 'closed' with Christ?
- Come as you are but understand the cost