Old Llantrisant Hill
- A family on the move
- A lot of people, a lot of animals, a lot of stuff
- Can you imagine the stories told about the family members?
- Can you imagine moving home?
- Jacob had a lot of children
- 31:3 - God told Jacob to move
- Compare and contrast the homecomings of Jacob and Naomi
- Was Jacob's past catching up with him?
- Having to meet up with the brother he had conned out of his inheritance
- Payback time
- Jacob prayed to God - v9
- The first recorded prayer in Scripture
- He prayed for God's protection
- Jacob stayed on the other side of the Jabbok and wrestled with a man of God
- Overview:
- Jacob Waited on God
- Jacob Wrestled with God
- Jacob Wearied God
- Jacob Worshiped God
Jacob Waited on God (v24)
- He was alone: he has discharged his parental responsibility
- He was alone with God in prayer
- He wrestled with a Man
- The God Man
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- Another night to remember and not to be forgotten
- Waiting on God can be difficult
- But His shadow over us is wonderful
- Jacob came to know God as His fortress
- He feared Esau but had confidence in God
- We do not underestimate the things of Christian life but we have confidence in God
- Jacob waited patiently on God
- God was in Peniel before Jacob arrived
- God is always waiting for us to come
- Do we need an unsettled family matter before we will approach God?
Jacob Wrestled with God (v24)
- This God Man was the Lord Jesus Christ
- Personal example
- Here is one stronger than any human wrestler
- True prayer is often a struggle
- Jacob struggled with God - v28
- Whatever he wanted, he wanted it badly enough to fight for it with God
- Jacob took hold of God
- Quote from Spurgeon
- God took hold of Jacob before Jacob took hold of God
- Example of prayer meeting
- It was a close encounter
- Rom 8:26 and Quote from Neil Morris
- Do we groan in prayer?
- Do we groan against sin?
- Do we groan because we are inarticulate in prayer?
- Painful certainly, profitable always
- v25/31 - Jacob did not walk the same after his encounter with God
- Surely such close encounters with God will affect the way we walk
- To shrink self-strength and make us reliant on His sovereign power
- We must walk in His strength
- Jacob would walk to Esau in God's strength
Jacob Wearied God (v26)
- Jacob would not let God 'go' until He blessed Him
- "I will not let you go unless you bless me"
- We should 'weary' God in prayer
- Consider Jesus' parable about the widow and the unjust ruler
- Isa 62:6-7
- Do we pray to God continually?
- Jacob is blessed for prevailing with God - v28
- A change of name to Israel
- Meaning he prevailed
- Becoming the name of the nation
- Meaning prince with God
- He is now ready to meet with Esau without fear
- There is more power in God's name than in the world
Jacob Worshiped God (v30)
- To see God was a precursor to death
- Isa 6:5
- Jacob was face to face with God at Peniel
- In the gospel you come face-to-face with the living God
- At the cross of Calvary
- 2 Cor 4:4
- "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" - John 14:9
- We behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world - John 1:29
- Have you heard the gospel many times and not know rebirth in Jesus?
- Are you still in sin and unbelief?
- Come face-to-face with Jesus
- Do not leave tonight until God has blessed you with the forgiveness of sins
- Do not let Jesus go until He saves you
Closing Remarks