The Church of Christ
- The privileges of being part of the Church of Christ
- We are the Holy Bride - A Holy Temple
- We know there are divisions and schisms within the church
- The real people of the Church are united and can never be divided
- Thinking of the Ephesians as strangers and aliens of the Gospel
- Pagan people
- Knew nothing about the God of Israel
- They came into fellowship with the Jews
- Jesus has broken down the curtain of separation
- One new Church was born
- Reconciled in the Blood of Christ
- 2:19-22
- You Belong (v19)
- You Have a Solid Foundation (v20)
- The Church as something Glorious (v21-22)
You Belong (v19)
- It is terrible to be pushed out and rejected
- This was the case with the Jews and the Gentiles
- There was terrible enmity between them
- This was abolished in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
- No longer strangers but citizens and saints
- Part of a Kingdom
- Citizenship of the kingdom of heaven
- No longer a stranger or a foreigner
- Part of a Family
- Members of the household
- An elder Father and part of the brethren
- Remember what you were - and what you are now
- Outsiders:
- Foreigners - just visitors
- Strangers - an alien
- These two types are applicable today
- Have people taken up residence in the church but are not born again?
- Jew and Gentile have equal rights before God
- Both can draw near to God
- v18
- v22
- All the promises given to the Jews are now applicable to the Gentiles
- No distinctions between Jew and Gentile
- All one in Christ
- All fellow Citizens
- Nobody superior and nobody inferior
- All belong to the Church of Christ
- Is the Church precious to you?
- Do you feel you belong?
- Personal example
- Speaking the same language - discussing spiritual things, understanding biblical terms
- Part of a new kingdom and family
- Speaking to those around you whoever they are
- Part of this wonderful body
You Have a Solid Foundation (v20)
- So many people do not have a solid foundation
- They are being blown around by books, counselors, family, religion
- The Church of Jesus Christ is built on a solid foundation - on the eternal truth of the gospel
- Built on the foundations of the apostles and the prophets
- We know the apostles
- Who are the prophets?
- Not the Old Testament Prophets
- The New Testament Prophets
- 3:4-5
- 4:11
- The early church had apostles and prophets
- They carried the authority and revelation of God
- What is the eccumenical movement?
- An attempt to join churches together - not on the basis of the Bible
- You cannot join a church that preaches salvation by works
- You cannot lay a second foundation
- The Mormons are trying to lay another foundation
- We have the truth of God written down for us
- We have the Old and New Testaments
- We have the full revelation of God
- We understand who Jesus Christ is
- What is the churches statement of faith?
- What is it basic tenets?
- Does it preach the gospel of Jesus Christ?
- Church is not a social club
- Stop moving around
- 'Stop dating the church'
- Example of young couple - that is not the church of Jesus Christ
- The church of Jesus Christ is built on a solid foundation
- Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone
- Example from Stuart Olliet
- There is no other name under heaven wherewhich we must be saved
- He is the truth and the life
- No-one can come to the Father except through Him
- The Church of Christ will withstand all the attacks of Satan
- He Keeps His people
- He strengthens His people
- He builds up His Church
The Church as something Glorious (v21-22)
- The Church is still being built
- Believers are the stones that are being added
- Perfectly fitted together
- Example of Tom and Alice
- Psalm 48:1-3
- If this was true of the physical Jerusalem, how much more true is it of the Church of Jesus Christ
- We have a dwelling place in the Spirit, a Temple of the Holy Spirit (2:21)
- Do we believe that Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit is here in Tabor?
- Psalm 48:12-13
- Auntie Bessie was like one of these bulwarks
- We need to pray that God would make us a pillar in the Church
- Brotherhood
- Example of different Muslims
- Example of the Russian Submarine
- The Church of Christ is always unified
- We must preserve this unity
- The devil seeks to sow discord
- Let us grow together as living stones
- Example of preacher from London
- Do you belong?
- Do you belong in the Church?
- Do you love the Church?
- Do you stand upon the word of God?
- Are you part of the worldwide universal church