The Christian Husband – Part 2
- Last week looked at v25
- Today looking at the rest of the verses
- The New Testament spends more time talking about the husbands role than the wifes
- The keyword for the wife is submission and for the husband is love
- Christ loves righteousness and wants a righteous people
- We must ask ourselves are we causing a stain to come upon the Church of Christ
- Christ wants a perfect bride (the Church)
- The husband's role
- He is there for his wife
- Not about them gaining respect
- Love her, serve her, lead her in Christ like ways
- For her benefit
- We realise our inadequacy and depend on God/the Holy Spirit (v18)
- Three things:
- Think about Christ and the Church
- Think about your wife
- Marriage is a glorious union
Think again on Christ and the Church (v25-27)
- The Christian ethic is never put in terms of do's and don'ts but in the Gospel
- Christian marriage is first and foremost about Christ
- Paul writes in glorious tangents
- Christ loved His people and died upon the cross for His Church in order that He might purify her
- As the Church reads and receives the word of God we are washed
- First think about Christ
- If we spent more time mediating in and look to Jesus, it would transform our lives
- Washing of regeneration through the word
- The word also sanctifies us
- The Church is made holy through the word of God (through the whole teaching)
- cf 4:25-27
- God desires our holiness
- Psalm 45:11, 13
- We have imputed righteousness
- But God also imparts righteousness to us in our lives
- Christ wants His people to be like Himself
- His desire is for His people
Consider how you are treating your wife (v28-29)
- Are we concerned for their holiness?
- We are to love them as our own bodies
- She is not just your 'partner' - she is your other half, the two of you are one
- Loving your wife: nourishing and cherishing
- Concern for her spiritual progress
- Tender, thoughtful, nourish her, pray with her, encourage her in the life of the church
- Often the women are more committed than the men
- Learn from her
- Encourage one another in the faith
- Protect her and desire her purity
- Concern for the physical body
- v29
- Not to neglect or abuse your wife
- Not to ignore your wife
- Not putting down or fault finding but encouraging her
- Love
- Example of George Muller
- We must fulfill 1 Cor 13:4-8 (and also Titus 2 - to the wife)
- Patience
- Kindness
- Forgiveness and not remembering transgressions
- Love never fails
Marriage is a glorious union (v30-33)
- The leaving of the parents and together as one flesh
- Paul is speaking of the Church
- Just as woman came from man
- So the Church is born out of Christ
- Marriage is about union
- The Church and Jesus Christ are one
- We partake of the very nature of God
- A deep union
- Example from local church
- Example of Winston Churchill and Robert Quinin
- Marriage is an exclusive relationship
- Nothing should interfere with it
- A correct separation from parents - Christ left the splendour of heaven to cleave to His Church
- Everyone one of us - we are to love our own wife
Closing Remarks