The Christian at Work
Bible Reading (until 1:20)
- The Christian at Work is a big subject
- It might be better to do this as series of Bible studies
- Learn first about the employee and employer
- Primarily about the slave-master relationship but it can be transferred
- The slave/employee:
- Obey - do everything for God
- Submit - follow orders
- Do not be a man pleaser - but be a good employee
- If you honour God you will receive a reward from God (v8)
- The master/employer/manager:
- Do not abuse this position - you are accountable to God in heaven
- Be fair and just
- The context - be filled with the Holy Spirit
- Submit to one another
- The quiet, meek, submissive spirit
- Submission at church, in your marriage, obedient children, obedience to employers
- The quality of submission is emphasised
- This quality is so important to Christians
- The truth of submission is a key truth to all Christians
- Why? Because Jesus submitted Himself to His Heavenly Father
- The other side:
- Husbands love your wife, parents love your children, employers be fair and just
- After this section (v5-9) it goes on to speak about Spiritual warfare - why?
- Are these not areas the devil loves to attack
The Context
- In Roman society there were around 6 million slaves
- Some were mistreated, some were treated very well
- Why does Paul not condemn this?
- It is not the primary task of the church to cause social revolution or make political statements
- The primary task is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Society is changed as people are converted and live out the change in their lives
- Not by attacking structures but by living out the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Example from Scotland
- Not by attacking systems but preach the gospel of Christ
- Transferable principles - broad principles
The Content
The Employee
- Fear and trembling (v5a)
- Not craven fear of your boss
- God is watching you - Paul preached the gospel with fear and trembling
- Show respect and reverence to those over you
- 2 Cor 7:15 - Titus was received with fear and trembling
- Sincere service (v5b)
- Do not pretend
- Your service is always to Christ
- Not with eye service
- Do not slack off (v6)
- Service with good will (v7)
- Do not work grudgingly but gladly
- No secular divide
- Your Christianity goes into your workplace
- A few examples:
- Working unpaid overtime
- Doing something you are not trained for
- Working more
- You should not do unethical things or things beyond your capacity
The Employer
- Be fair (v9)
- Examples
- You will answer to God
- It is all about our relationship to God
- Even as employees we must be prepared to suffer loss
- 1 Pet 2:18 - very challenging words
- It is commendable before God if you do good and suffer
- Christ suffered for us - we should follow in His footsteps
- God will bless and reward us
- Sometimes Christians do the wrong thing
- Think of Joseph in Potiphar's house, Daniel in Babylon
- Many of our rewards will be in heaven
- 'Do it as to Christ'
- He gives us grace