The Betrayal, Tribunal and Denial
- We meet one of Jesus' disciples full of self confidence
- Instead of being bold and having confidence in the Lord he was swearing and cursing
- He was wonderfully restored
- He stood up and preached at Pentecost when 3000 were converted
- This story should teach us to treat others tenderly
- We meet another man who betrays
- It was better to have money and the seeming quiet life
- He rejected the Lord Jesus
- He was prepared to sell his own soul to get the money
- Could we be one of these?
- They were bought disciples - one of the twelve
The Betrayal
- It was foretold in Scripture
- The disciples did not see it
- Judas a couple of months before did probably not see it
- Maybe Judas had a form of faith (but not saving faith)
- Satan enters Judas' heart (14:1, 10-11)
- The temple soldiers come to capture Jesus with swords and clubs (v43)
- Judas would betray Jesus with a kiss (v44)
- What a way to betray Jesus
- Was to do with friendship and love
- Was to do with intimacy
- Judas greets Jesus with a falsehood
- "Rabbi, Rabbi" (v45)
- Judas hates Jesus
- Jesus permits these actions to happen (v46)
- In another gospel Jesus calls Judas "friend"
- These were the last words that Judas would ever hear from the Lord Jesus
- Betrayal is very hard to deal with
- Peter seeks to take violent action (v47)
- He cuts off the high priest servants' ear
- Jesus chastises Peter - violence is not the way
- The soldiers come violently against Jesus (v48)
- Judas showed remorse but not repentance
- He was one of the 'in' people who was a disciple, who preached, who did miracles - but he was not saved
- This should terrify us
- "We must make our calling and election sure"
- Are there Judas' amongst us?
- We need to be careful and think 'it will never happen to me'
- Judas is a warning to us
The Tribunal
- A little interlude in v51-52
- Only written about in Mark's Gospel
- It is absurd to think that God is now in the dock
- We are in the dock - God judges us
- The humiliation of Christ
- He would be exalted after
- This is the pattern given in Scripture (cf Joseph or Daniel)
- Jesus is silent before the court
- This is a quango court
- All the men are present (Pharisees, Saducees and elders)
- Jewish law said such tribunals should happen during the day - not at night
- Jewish law said such tribunals should happen in the temple - not at Caiphas' house
- The people who gave false witness were likely bribed - even their testimony didn't agree
- Think of the men of God tried by religious courts
- They tried to bring political charges - however, Jesus obeyed the state
- All the accusations were false
- Isa 53 - He would be silent before His accusers
- Everything in us cries out to speak the truth
- Jesus "kept silent and answered nothing" (v61)
- Jesus answers only a direct question
- "I am" (v62)
- The council and soldiers spat and hit Jesus
- What a way to treat the Son of God
- Isa 50:6
- The Lord Jesus submitted even to this ignominy and shame
- Who put Jesus on that cross?
- Consider AW Tozer
- It was I
- Lord help me to repent
The Denial
- Foolish Peter - I'll go to prison, I'll die for You
- Do we have too high an opinion of ourselves?
- Satan had sought to sift Peter but Christ had prayed for him
- Peter would be humbled - before a little servant girl
- Peter categorically denies Jesus
- Peter swears and curses
- The grace of God
- We would likely not choose Peter to be an officer
- Under pressure the old man rises up
- The very fact he was there in the courtyard showed he loved Jesus - the others had all fled
- He tried to protect Jesus (by violence)
- He was broken hearted when he came to his senses (v72)
- This gives us hope
Concluding remarks