The 12 Apostles (12 Important Heroes)
- Twelve every day ordinary men, who became heroes
- The church was founded on their teaching
- Some where martyred
- Jesus chose the 12, it was a sovereign choice
- Chose them to preach, to heal, to cast out demons, to be ambassadors
- They were already disciples, followers of Jesus
- Called to be an apostle
- Not just another ministry, but a higher office, a different authority
- Some where to write doctrine
- Jesus chose
- A private choice
- A sovereign choice - nothing in the men that Jesus saw or recognised
- An important choice - Jesus spent all night in prayer (Luke 6:6-13)
- A significant choice - 12 sons/tribes of Israel for the Old Covenant and now 12 Apostles for the New Covenant, the new Israel (cf Rev 21:12-14)
- Called to be with Christ before being sent out
- Three years with The Lord Jesus
- To go on missions, to go in groups of two
- Fellowship and communion with Jesus
- We must spend time with the living God
- To preach, to have power to heal sickness and cast out demons
- Preaching:
- All the people were flocking to Jesus but He still chose 12 apostles to preach
- He was looking ahead to a time when he would no longer be around
- He chose frail men who would make mistakes
- God is still calling people to preach the gospel
- We are co-workers with Christ
- Preaching always needs to be at the forefront (this was their first calling)
- Heal sickness and cast out demons:
- Jesus Himself left the multitudes who were seeking miracles to preach
- Good will heal the world so there will be no more hurting or crying
- Simon:
- Strong minded person, hot headed at times, opposed Jesus once
- A fisherman, probably no formal teaching
- Had such strong trust and faith in Jesus, but then
- Confessed Jesus was the Christ but then rebuked Him not to suffer or go to Jerusalem
- I'd never deny you but did just that
- Changing from one character to another
- A flawed man, but he loved The Lord
- Was to become 'Peter' the rock on which the church was built
- Jesus chose Simon to be the principal of twelve
- James and John:
- Described 'sons of thunder'
- They were to become very loving
- John:
- John would be the
apostle who reclined on Jesus' breast - Wrote John's gospel and 1-3 John which all emphasise love
- They were moulded by God
- James - Became the first Christian martyr
- Andrew:
- Separated from Simon as the first three were to have a special intimacy with Jesus
- Was happy to be part of the 12
- Facilitator - facilitates his own brother, in the feeding of the 5000, introduced the Greeks to Jesus
- May not be upfront but helping and putting people in touch
- Philip:
- Slow of heart
- Bartholomew, James, Thaddeus:
- Little known about them
- Bartholomew - thought to be also called Nathaniel (many apostles often had two names)
- Content to serve humbly
- Matthew and Simon (the Canaantie)
- Matthew: called Levi a tax collector
- Simon: a zealot, hated the Romans, hated tax collectors
- These two were brought together
- The Gospel has the power to change lives
- Judas:
- Betrayed Jesus
- The mystery of God's providence - Jesus knew he would betray Him
- Sent out with the others
- Very hard heart, selfish, concerned just with himself
- A different set of people
What plan does God have for your life?
Is Christ the one who you are following?
Christ calls to you this morning