Taking Barriers Away
Paul was a very balanced Christian
He had a great concern for God’s people
He was concerned for people outside of the Church
He was a pastor and evangelist
He preached inside and outside buildings
He didn’t want to put a stumbling block in front of any Christian – 8:13
He didn’t want to put a stumbling block in front of any person – 9:19-20
He would be sensitive to people
He would become all things to all people so he might save some (v20)
His burdens was to save souls
Taking away barriers
What barriers are there in our life that need to be taken away? – examples
Do I build bridges or construct walls?
Paul/Scripture is very clear about pleasing God and not men
He was willing to change his personal lifestyle but not the message
Removing barriers for religious people – e.g. Judeo-Catholic
Removing barriers for pagan people
Removing barriers for weak people
Paul is free from all men (v19a)
He is free from the dictates of men and women
But under the Lordship of Christ
He has made himself a servant/salve of all (v19b)
He will not cause offense – examples
We can act wrongly
Paul did not, he sought to win all – his one goal was salvation
Example of Roger Carswell
We are called to be evangelists, share the gospel and shine our light
Removing barriers for religious people (v20)
To the Jews I became a Jew
Ever there was a Jew – it was Paul
When he became a Christian:
He renounced self-righteousness
He realised that the law no longer needed to be fulfilled
He realised the Mishnah laws no longer applied (those established by Jewish Rabbi’s) – examples
However, he restricted/restrained himself to win the religious
He attended religious festivals
Acts 18, 21
How does this apply to us?
How do we reach a religious person?
Starting by listening to them
Building bridges and not walls
Removing barriers for pagan people (v21)
They have conscience but they can have very little knowledge
The UK society is a pagan society without restraint
How do we reach them?
Not to live in a different time but to people of this era
1 Chronicles 12:32
Consider our language
When Paul went to Acts (chapter 17) – he sought to find common ground
Example of football
Example of Paul – the statues of the idols, a quote from a poet
Example of Hudson Taylor, Paul Daniels
Not to abandon the standards of the Bible (v21b-c)
We will always be counter cultural in our holiness and morality
But we will meet people
Removing barriers for weak people (v22)
Those who were weak – had a weak conscience – 1 Cor 8
To these Paul will be gentle and patient – Examples
There are different types of people – 1 Thess 5:14
Some are unruly and need discipline
Some are faint hearted
Some are weak
It is not about learning a formula for Evangelism
We need to change where we need to change
We need to bring a word that is right for that person
We need to treat people as people
Example of Jesus with the Samaritan woman
Are we being all things to all men?
Paul went in faith and really loved the sinner
If we really love them – there will be change in us
Closing Remarks