June 12, 2022

I love the Lord because…

Passage: Psalm 116:1-19
Service Type:


Written in the first person – he is expressing that he ‘loves the Lord’
Can we say that we love the Lord?

Not feelings but commitment
If we love Him we will keep His commandments
Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him – three times after Peter denied Him three times
If Jesus were to ask you this question – how would you respond


Reasons to love the Lord
Our response to this

Reasons to love the Lord (v1-11)
Because of answered prayer (v1)

He had gone through a terrible near-death experience (v3)
This brought out intense prayer

Often we forget to pray when things are going well

The Lord heard his prayer (v6, 8)

His soul can return to its ‘rest’ (v7)

Do we mark answers to prayer?

Do we pray and not really believe?
Are they weak or form prayers?
Do we feel distant from God?
Have we yielded to temptation?

Yet God has answered a multitude of prayers

Surely the greatest answered prayer is that of our salvation – explanation
Prayers of deliverance – examples

Do we thank Him? – Example of the Ten Lepers

We must praise God
The Psalmist is recording these things – do we?
The Psalmist is telling others – do we?

Read Christian biographies and be encouraged by God’s sustaining power

Journey’s mercies

We must give thanks for answered prayer

Our job

God stoops down and inclines His ear to hear our prayers (v2)

As a child know he has the ear of his parents – so we have the ear of our heavenly Father
He hears the big and the little prayers

We can pray about everything
The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing – it should be a continual habit

He found no human comforters and becomes discouraged, in his haste he says that ‘all men are liars’

There is an element of truth in this – all are sinners
He was doubting and struggling in his faith – but God kept his feet from falling (v8)

The Lord Jesus prays for us

He prayed for Peter
The devil targets and tempts us at our weakest point

How does God answer prayer?

Very occasionally through an audible voice and through dreams/visions – see the Old Testament
He generally answers prayer through Divine providence – explanation

The answers to prayer are seen in our lives and the lives of those around us
We do not look for dreams and visions – though they are occasionally given – example

Are we aware / do we see what God is doing?

What about as a Church? – examples

Do we see it?
Do we praise Him for it?

The Character of God (v5)

We love Him because He is righteous and merciful

Our Response to His love (v12-19)
What shall I render to God, we are to take up the cup of salvation (v12-13)

Special services – example in Brazil

It is good to mark what God has done
A special Anniversary Service

Remember this is one of the Hallel Psalms

They had 4 cups of Passover

The third cup was the cup of Salvation/Redemption
They would hold this up and praise God for the deliverance from Egypt

Paul writes about the cup of blessing which we bless
The Communion Service – we look back to Jesus Christ

Are we praising God and Jesus Christ?

Paying his vows (v14, 18-19)

People may often make promises to the Lord(v14, 18)
The Psalmist is rededicating himself to the Lord

We are not to vow and not fulfill
However, there are commitments we make

Examples – members of the Church

The Psalmist is praising God (v19)
Perhaps when Jesus read these Psalms – he was reminded of v3 and His vow to do the Father’s will

We are to see that Jesus Christ perfectly fulfills the words of the Psalm

Delivered from death (v8)

Delivered from the situation or unto glory
We may see it as a tragedy but it is precious in the sight of God

Do you have reasons to praise the Lord?

Call upon Him (v17)
Praise Him