Old Llantrisant Hill
- The living God will meet us in our suffering
- Suffering is a horrible thing
- Quote from Napoleon and C.S Lewis
Progressive Reading
Job 1:6-12
- A frightening glimpse into heaven
- The accuser steps into the presence of God
- This person stands to accuse us
- Satan wants to sift us and shake us up
- In these same circumstances God wants to season us with grace
- Satan does not understand grace
- "Where have we been?"
- The Lord highlights Job
- Job is the epitome of a godly man
- Job is a 'perfect' man
- Satan says Job is righteous because of the shield God has placed around him
- Why do we serve God?
- Do we come [to Church] because He is worthy?
- In times of suffering this will be tested
- A cosmic battle in heaven?
- We are in a spiritual battle
- Jesus is not in a battle
- Satan in under a leash
- The Son of Man has all authority in heaven and earth
Job 1:13-17
- Job lost all his business overnight
- He knows that it came from heaven
- Job was richer than all of us put together
- Quote from Christopher Columbus
- The best use of money is the furtherance of the Gospel
Job 1:18-20
- Job lost all his children
- Do we blame God for our circumstances?
- Job fell to the ground in worship!
- Is this how we respond?
- Job is angry but says 'praise the Lord'
Job 2:1-3
- The heavenly realm is revisited
- Without reason
- Have you had anyone approach you and suggest that your suffering is because of sin?
- Example from Paul Mallard
- There isn't necessarily a reason
- Job spends the next 40 chapters trying to find out why and doesn't get an answer
- The Lord is proud of Job
- Job is still faithful, righteous and upright
Job 2:4-8
- How wicked is Satan?
- 'I haven't even started yet'
- Let me take his health
- 2 Thess 2:5-8
- Satan was to be a guardian angel
- He abused his authority
- His downfall was his pride
- Isaiah 14
- Job is in a bad way
Job 2:9-10
- Job's wife tells him to curse God and die
- Quotes from great Christians about Job's wife
- Put yourself in Jobs' wife's shoes
- Watching people you care for is horrific
- Job puts his wife straight
- Like Joseph God meant this for good
Three Big Questions
Does God's suffering happen within God's will?
- Yes
- Why bad things happen to good people - bad theology
- Quote by Jay Vernon McGee
Is healing always God's will?
- No
- We pray expecting God to heal
- 1 Tim 5:23
- 2 Tim 4:20
- Paul's thorn in his side
- Bad things happen to all people
- God is good but doesn't always say yes to healing
Have you experienced more of God through prosperity or suffering?
- For me it is through suffering
- Job doesn't find answers but did find an anchor for his soul
- Example of George Mattheson
Closing Remarks
- Illustration of the injured child
- When bad things happen - do we look at God as the executioner or the surgeon?
- Do we look to blame God when things go wrong?
- We can trust God even though He doesn't give us answers because He gave us Himself
- Calm seas never produce good sailors
- Are our eyes on God?