Seven Heveanly Qualities
- Last week we looked at our heavenly place in Jesus Christ
- We looked at a list of sins from our past life that must be put to death
- We must live as new people
- Last week was about what we should put off
- This week it is about what we should put on
- We are given 7 heavenly qualities to put on
- Christianity is not only what you have been saved from, but what you have been saved too
- Christianity is not a moral code
- Christianity says that we cannot keep the law of God, but Jesus Christ has
- It is because we are united to Jesus that we keep the law of God
- It is not us trying
- It is us in Christ overcoming
What to wear
Tender mercies
- Mercy is a tremendous thought
- Not treating others as they ought to be treated
- Tender mercies - there is a lot of feeling, a lot of yearning, a lot of compassion
- If we want to understand what tender mercy is, we look to the Father and to the Son
- Jesus comes amongst us
- He feels what we feel
- He is among a sinful people and yearns that they be saved
- He shows tender mercy to the desperate lady
- He speaks about a Good Samaritan who shows tender mercy
- We are to put on tender mercies
- What a difference acts of kindness make to the world
- Example of Albanian Christians welcoming 500'000 Kosovo refugees into their homes
- It is said that 0.5% of the population [the Evangelical Christians] looked after 80% of the refugees
Humility and Meekness
- We are not to seek great things for ourselves
- We are to esteem others more highly than ourselves
- The Roman Centurion bowed to Jesus
- John the Baptist was content to be a nameless voice
- If we are overlooked we are not to worry
- We are to be happy in our work place and in our family
- We are to serve the Lord
- Humility is about who you think about yourself
- Meekness is about gentleness
- Gentleness of Spirit
- Not to respond in anger but
- "A soft answer turns away wrath" Prov 15:1
- Humility and meekness are not to do with 'my rights'
- The Christian says we have no rights apart from to please God
- We are not against human rights but against 'selfish rights'
Long suffering
- We must suffer long
- It is not easy to be patient with someone who continually lets you down
- We shouldn't expect everyone to do things the way that we want to do things
- Are we patient with those who are dithery, who talk much, who act differently?
Bearing with one another
- The church is made up of people from different backgrounds
- In love we withhold our words, we do not judge, we love
- In love we seek to understand
- Lord help us to understand what others are going through
- Is to do with accepting one another
- We must continually forgive
- The disciples asked how many times they must forgive others
- God has forgiven us so we must forgive others
- God has forgiven us completely
- We must forgive others completely
- Think of Stephen who was being stoned to death
- We don't sweep sin under the table
Here are 7 graces that we can wear as Christians
Beyond this there is love, which is the bond of perfection
What to enjoy
- The verb goes from "put on" to "let"
- Let the peace of God... (v15)
- Let the word of Christ... (v16)
- Peace of God, Word of Christ and Singing Praises
Peace of God
- Not to be crotchety
- Personal example
- Don't be anxious, let peace rule in our hearts and dominate our souls
- We must decided not to be anxious
- We must pray to God and make our petitions known to God
- The promise is that through this we will have peace (Phil 4:6-7)
- If we are thankful people God's peace will be there
- We are called to peace
- Are we enjoying the peace of God?
Word of Christ
- We need to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly
- We do not need a book for this, we can think and talk about it
- We do have the Bible that we can study
- We should not read the Bible in a cursory way
Singing Praises
- Teaching and admonishing come as we sing spiritual songs
- As we sing the spiritual truths
- As we build each other up
- We do not have time to go into what "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" means
- Psalms refer to the Psalter
- Hymns refer to great verses turned into hymns
- Spiritual songs are contemporary songs written at the time
- We sings songs in truth and grace with all our heart to the Lord
- Our heart must be engaged in worshipping in the Lord
- Compare Eph 5 and 1 Cor 14
- This is for our edification and the benefit of the church
Who you represent
- All that we do, whatever it is, big or small - it is done in the name of the Lord Jesus
- We are doing it as a representative of Him