Old Llantrisant Hill
- We are in the practical section of the book of Hebrews
- Chap 12 & 13 - how to live the Christian life
- 13:1-6 Five Moral Directives
- 13:7-17 the Apostle begins to address the areas of our religious life and worship
- Directive for worship and faith
1. Remember your Leaders (v7)
- There is an encouragement not to forget things
- We are often forgetful (v16)
- We are still of the flesh
- Don't forget the stranger (v2), the prisoner (v3) and leaders (v7)
- There is much teaching in the bible about not forgetting and to remember
- Is the apostle talking about past leaders?
- It does not exclude present leaders
- Remember the apostles
- Don't forget the patriarchs but remember your present pastors
- Those who "rule you" or "lead you" - who are these leaders/rulers?
- Specific people - is it referring to elders and deacons?
- v7 and v17 is not speaking about elders and deacons but those who have the teaching gifts and shepherd the flock
- These people guide the church in the word of God
- Deacons: Phil
- How do we apply this to Tabor?
- Remember your previous pastors
- Remember the fruit produced
- Remember pastors from other churchs
- Whose "faith follow"
- Speaking both about the body of faith taught and their lives of faith lived
- This is a tremendous challenge - "consider the outcome of their conduct"
- What legacy are we leaving?
- Remember the outcome of their faith is glory and heaven - as it is with us
- This section begins and ends with the leaders
- For a church to function it must be healthy
- There must be good leaders
- As we follow the church is blessed
- If there is in-submission to the word of God the leaders find it difficult and are grieved
2. Jesus is the Focus (v8)
- At times your leaders may not be constant but Jesus is
- Jesus is completely faithful - the same yesterday, today and forever
- The apostle doesn't mention any names apart from the one true Pastor
- The Shepherd of the Sheep (v20)
- The same word in Greek as Pastor
- Do not put leaders on a pedestal - look to Jesus
3. Reject all False Teaching (v9)
- In order for the church to be healthy we must reject false teachings
- People will hear all sorts of teachings, not all true
- The Hebrews were hearing that they should come back to Jewish religious directives
- The apostle countered this
- The apostle Paul would remind people to return to grace
- The Old Covenant was concerned with external issues - Heb 9:10
- Now the people were to look to Christ and faith alone
- Any doctrine that puts emphasis on anything other than faith in Christ - reject this
- Reject anything that is faith plus
- Think of sects who emphasise a certain type of baptism, liturgy, ceremony, etc
4. Accept the Reproach of Christ (v10-14)
- We cannot come to the priestly altar (v10)
- Consider the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement - the sacrifices were burnt outside the camp (v11-13)
- Jesus was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem
- Jesus suffered this ignominy
- We are to share in Jesus' shame and reproach
- This was a word especially to the Hebrew Christians whose Jewish families were disowning them
- Moses suffered the reproach of Christ
- We have not come to live an easy life - our citizenship is in heaven
5. Offer A Sacrifice of Praise (v14-15)
- It is not a miserable life bearing the shame and reproach of Christ
- Instead we can continually praise God, lift up our hearts and make a good confession before Him
- Example of young Syrian Christian
- Praise God and Christ even if it means great suffering
6. Remember to do Good and Share (v16)
- Do not forget to do good
- We are called to be a people zealous to good works
- Do good and share
- It may mean putting yourself out
7. Obey your Rulers (v17)
- Be obedient and submissive
- The bible needs to be taken as a whole
- These were certain words given to a specific group of people
- There are other passages speak about the importance of the church and the church making decisions together
- There must be a right balance
- Leaders should not lead in a wrong way
- Become dictators and hard line
- The begin to give advice in areas they should not
- Each believer is accountable to God
- It is lovely when God's people follow God's servants
- The leaders leading and the people following
- People often tend to go from one pole to another
- Beware of extremes: the congregation is everything, heavy shepherding
- 1 Pet 5:1-3
- The question of loyalty and authority is relevant today - are we will to be led?
- The rulers watch out for your souls
- They are concerned for you
- They want to help you
- They know they must give an account to God for you
- Help the people with your prayers and encourage
- Let the rulers lead with joy and not with grief
- This is for the benefit of the church
- Remember the words of the apostle John
- 1 Thess 5:12
- They are to lead with humility, love and joy
- Society, government and work depend on good leadership
- The church depends on good leadership
Closing Remarks