Savage Wolves
Looking at our last study in Acts 20
The title of the message is Savage Wolves
Reading Acts 20:29-30
Acts 20 is full of wonderful truths
Warnings are often accompanied by glorious promises and wonderful truths
v28 – Particular redemption
v29 – Truth of Warning
Paul is concerned about those from without
Paul is also concerned about those from within
We should not be surprised when there are problems in church life
Wolves in sheep’s clothing
Two character attributes of false teachers
Moral compromise – e.g. lust for sex (sensual), lust for power, (fraudulent, deceptive), lust for money
Their beliefs – e.g. contrary messages, speak what people want to hear, hard-line/separatist
Acts 20:29-30
This has happened in Tabor
It happens in other churches
Sadly splits arise
The signs to look out
The task in hand
The signs to look out
Concern for self and little love for God’s people
When people are concerned only for themselves, not for others or for the sheep
John 10:10-11 – Example of the hireling vs the Shepherd
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and gave His life for the sheep
But the false shepherd departs
Taking advantage of vulnerable situations
After Paul had left
Paul was strong, mature, godly – he would oppose false teachers
The church would be vulnerable when Paul was far away
Speak perverse things – because they want to draw disciples to themselves
Running down the present eldership and twisting what has been preached
Think they can do better
Parade their own achievements
Want others to follow them
Watch out for those who want ‘position’ in the church
Bringing in new ideas that unsettle the church
Example of Steve Chalke
The task in hand
What do we do?
Not overact
Example of US vote
Be balanced in our thinking
People must be free to disagree
With each other and the pastor
But do not run down biblical ministry
Have our eyes open
Listen to what people are saying
Have a well taught church
Paul went from house to house teaching
Paul taught the whole counsel of God (v27)
Read the bible daily
The elders
Look after your own lives – 1 Tim 4:12
Be men of God
Shepherd the church of God (v28)
Hold fast to sound doctrine and correct error – Titus 1:9-10
Shepherd the flock – 1 Pet 5:2-3
What happened after Paul left Ephesus?
Timothy became a pastor in Ephesus
Certain false teachers arose from without and within
However, in time the Church had become cold
Closing Remarks