Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at chapter 20-21
- Paul has a huge drive in his life - a mini mission
- He has to get to Jerusalem by Pentecost
- The disciples plead with him not to go
- He is compelled in the Holy Spirit
- Paul's great motivation was to serve Christ - no matter the consequence
- What is our motivation?
- What are our goals?
- We must be careful that our goals do not overtake the goal of serving Jesus Christ
- Overview:
- Bound by God to fulfill a short-term mission
- Bound to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Bound to the people of God
Bound by God to fulfill a short-term mission
- Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem
- He had already fulfilled a Nazarite vow
- cf Acts 18:21, 19:21
- He was on a journey to Rome, but had to stop at Jerusalem on the way
- Acts 18:20
- Why?
- Paul has been collecting gifts to distribute to the poor believers in Jerusalem
- Paul wanted to tell them what God had done amongst the Gentiles
- What do we make of Acts 21:4
- Consider the actions of the prophet Agabus
- Perhaps it was a test?
- Paul is absolutely convinced that this is the will of God - Acts 21:4
- Application:
- Paul is sold out to do the will of God
- He was following the Lord Jesus who had set His face to the cross
- Even though Peter opposed this
- Sometimes people might try to deter us from doing the will of God
- We must take up our cross and follow Him
- Maybe a short-term goal or burden given to us by the Holy Spirit
- Fulfill what God has called us to do
Bound to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Acts 20:24-26
- He wanted to finish his ministry
- He knew his race would involve suffering - but wanted to complete the race
- God had called Paul to preach the Gospel to the nations
- Personal testimony - e.g. King Agrippa
- Public preaching of the Gospel message - explanation
- Application:
- Do we love the gospel?
- Have we gone cold?
- We must ask God to revive our love for Him
- Are we bound to the gospel
Bound to the people of God
- Paul was bound to the Church (the people of God)
- He lived the gospel and loved people
- The people couldn't help but love Paul, as he loved them
- He stopped at the houses of God's people
- He found great joy with God's people
- He wants the people to be unified
- Acts 21:20-24
- He was happy to obey Jewish customs for the sake of unity
- Galatians make the gospel message clear
- Application:
- We might need to do things that are not to our taste - for the sake of the unity of the gospel
Closing Remarks
- Do we know the Lord Jesus?
- Have we repented of our sin?
- He will save if we call upon Him
- Take up your cross and follow Him