Old Llantrisant Hill
- Context
- Naomi has been stirred (v6)
- She heard God afresh
- We see the effect that a restored Christian has on her family
- Naomi is preparing to return back to Bethlehem
- The daughters in law arise with her (v7)
- There is a choice to be made
- Almost a picture of Christ
- There is no easy way to heaven - Matt 7:14
- Naomi seeks to put off her daughters - v8/9, v11, v15
- Naomi releases her daughter from their obligation (v8)
- Explanation
- She prays that they would find rest and do well
- The response (v10) - we will return with you
- Naomi gives reasons (v11)
- It will be hard
- You will be widows
- I am unable to have further children
- Jesus says the path to heaven is hard - Matt 10:22
- The response (v14) - Orpah came so far, but Ruth clung to her
- Is this true of us - have we come so far
- Has there been a believing, an obeying, a trusting
- The gospel is difficult - Matt 11:12
- Will we move or will we go back
- The world goes back - it is a whole lot easier
- Orpah has turned back (v15)
- Ruth stays (v16)
- Orpah has gone back to her people and her gods
- Ruth is willing to change her people and her gods
- Becoming a Christian involves change
- We are new in Christ
- To be a Christian is to die daily - Matt 10:38
- Example and illustration of Jesus Christ - at great cost!
- Ruth was committed and Naomi recognised this (v18)
- Ruth was with Naomi
- Are we Jesus Christ?
- Have we nailed our colours to the mast?
- Christ has already paid the price in love
- What is our response?
- Will we go back to put ourselves, our family and our 'gods' first?
- It goes well with Ruth (v22)
- Challenge
- Orpah made the wrong decision
- God offers salvation to all
- It will be beyond our wildest dreams to be with God
- We need to do nothing except come to Christ
- Personal Testimony
- Now is the day of salvation