Praise the Lord (#2)
Looking again at the Hallelujah Psalms
Some translate it as Alleluia
To praise the Lord – needs faith
“Without faith it is impossible to please God”
If you do not sing from the heart – you are not praising the Lord
We must avoid distractions – example
It should come from your heart
2 Chronicles 20:5-6, 12 – the prayer of Jehoshaphat
We may be in situations where we do not know what to do – our eyes should be on the Lord
The Spirit of God came down on a man who prophesised
The people worshiped God
The army marches out with the singers before them
God gave a remarkable victory
“without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” – Heb 11:6
The Lord of Praise
The People of Praise
The Lord of Praise
Reasons to praise God:
God is a rebuilder and restorer of lives (v2-3)
The context:
Perhaps Israel after the exile
Perhaps before the exile under the reign of King David
We are not told the original context
Yet the psalm points forward to the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ
God build up Jerusalem
God is building up His church (the spiritual Jerusalem)
v3 – Gospel words
Bringing forgiveness of sin and healing
Example from the book ‘The secret thoughts of an unlikely convert’ of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield’s remarkable conversion [long example]
She would see herself in this psalm – someone who was broken and an outcast, but brought into God’s family
We praise God that He loves all
God is a transcendent God (v4-5)
We praise Him for who He is
v5 – He is great, mighty in power and has infinite understanding
God’s understanding is infinite
More than any learned scholar
v4 – God counts all the stars
He knows better than any technological advances allow us to count
He has dominion over them
He calls them by name
God is an inverter of human values (v6)
We lift up the wicked but God casts the wicked down
The world lifts up those who are paraders and proud
God lifts up the despised
God is the creator and sustainer of every living thing (v8-9, 16)
God sets the weather – v8
Even though we may not like rain
Imagine a place without rain – a parched land
We praise Him in days of sunshine and rain
God gives food to the animals – v9
He provides for the natural world
God gives snow and frost – v16
God gives hail and cold – v17
We cannot control the elements but God orders all things
God is sovereign
God is a sovereign Lord over His people (v19-20)
God has chose a people for Himself
He gives them statues and judgments
We too have the Bible
The People of Praise
v12 – God has a special love for Jerusalem
The Jews will be brought back one day
God is calling people out of every tribe, tongue and nation
There is now no differentiation – we are all one in Christ Jesus
It is this ‘Jerusalem’ that will praise God
Yes creation will praise God – but it is for us to praise God
How do we praise God?
Singing – v1
This is an expression of cheerfulness
Yes we can praise God in other ways
Quote from Martin Lloyd Jones and Spurgeon
Singing out loud so others can join in
Ps 50:23, Ps 149:4
Join with the angels and saints in heaven to sing and praise His name
Sing with thanksgiving – v7
With a grateful heart and gratitude
Sing with an instrument – v7
The Old Testament was more physical but we should not do away with instruments
They help our spirits to rise before the living God
Why should we sing? – v10-11
Because it brings God pleasure
God takes pleasure in His people – those who fear and hope in Him
Respect and awe
God does not take pleasure in human resources but in His people
He gives protection
v13 – God protects His people
He gives prosperity
v13 – He blesses our children
Example of the time of Kind David
God is saving His children throughout the world
A prosperity of spiritual blessing
He gives peace
v14 – we have peace with God and peace in God
He gives plenty
v14 – This is now in the Gospel
Closing Remarks