Praise the Lord (#2)
- Looking again at the Hallelujah Psalms
- Some translate it as Alleluia
- To praise the Lord - needs faith
- "Without faith it is impossible to please God"
- If you do not sing from the heart - you are not praising the Lord
- We must avoid distractions - example
- It should come from your heart
- 2 Chronicles 20:5-6, 12 - the prayer of Jehoshaphat
- We may be in situations where we do not know what to do - our eyes should be on the Lord
- The Spirit of God came down on a man who prophesised
- The people worshiped God
- The army marches out with the singers before them
- God gave a remarkable victory
- "without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." - Heb 11:6
- Overview:
- The Lord of Praise
- The People of Praise
The Lord of Praise
Reasons to praise God:
God is a rebuilder and restorer of lives (v2-3)
- The context:
- Perhaps Israel after the exile
- Perhaps before the exile under the reign of King David
- We are not told the original context
- Yet the psalm points forward to the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ
- God build up Jerusalem
- God is building up His church (the spiritual Jerusalem)
- v3 - Gospel words
- Bringing forgiveness of sin and healing
- Example from the book 'The secret thoughts of an unlikely convert' of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield's remarkable conversion [long example]
- She would see herself in this psalm - someone who was broken and an outcast, but brought into God's family
- We praise God that He loves all
God is a transcendent God (v4-5)
- We praise Him for who He is
- v5 - He is great, mighty in power and has infinite understanding
- God's understanding is infinite
- More than any learned scholar
- v4 - God counts all the stars
- He knows better than any technological advances allow us to count
- He has dominion over them
- He calls them by name
God is an inverter of human values (v6)
- We lift up the wicked but God casts the wicked down
- The world lifts up those who are paraders and proud
- God lifts up the despised
God is the creator and sustainer of every living thing (v8-9, 16)
- God sets the weather - v8
- Even though we may not like rain
- Imagine a place without rain - a parched land
- We praise Him in days of sunshine and rain
- God gives food to the animals - v9
- He provides for the natural world
- God gives snow and frost - v16
- God gives hail and cold - v17
- We cannot control the elements but God orders all things
- God is sovereign
God is a sovereign Lord over His people (v19-20)
- God has chose a people for Himself
- Israel
- He gives them statues and judgments
- We too have the Bible
The People of Praise
- v12 - God has a special love for Jerusalem
- The Jews will be brought back one day
- God is calling people out of every tribe, tongue and nation
- There is now no differentiation - we are all one in Christ Jesus
- It is this 'Jerusalem' that will praise God
- Yes creation will praise God - but it is for us to praise God
- How do we praise God?
- Singing - v1
- This is an expression of cheerfulness
- Yes we can praise God in other ways
- Quote from Martin Lloyd Jones and Spurgeon
- Singing out loud so others can join in
- Ps 50:23, Ps 149:4
- Join with the angels and saints in heaven to sing and praise His name
- Sing with thanksgiving - v7
- With a grateful heart and gratitude
- Sing with an instrument - v7
- The Old Testament was more physical but we should not do away with instruments
- They help our spirits to rise before the living God
- Why should we sing? – v10-11
- Because it brings God pleasure
- God takes pleasure in His people - those who fear and hope in Him
- Respect and awe
- God does not take pleasure in human resources but in His people
- He gives protection
- v13 - God protects His people
- He gives prosperity
- v13 - He blesses our children
- Example of the time of Kind David
- God is saving His children throughout the world
- A prosperity of spiritual blessing
- He gives peace
- v14 - we have peace with God and peace in God
- He gives plenty
- v14 - This is now in the Gospel