Old Llantrisant Hill
- Nehemiah is a historical book
- The list of names attests to this and can be tested against history
- Nehemiah is both prayerful and practical
- You should not be too 'heavenly minded to be of any earthly good'
- This is often applied to pious people who are of no help to others (e.g. monks)
- God calls us to be a spiritual and prayful people, but this will always create a practical people
- We see the two sides of this man
- Are we people who are seeking first the kingdom of God but also very practical in the way we live our lives?
- The pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost led to very practical acts
- Chapter 9 - had feasted and heard God's word
- Chapter 10 - made a covenant with God
- Nehemiah realised that there was a practical need for the city of Jerusalem (7:4)
- The city was underpopulated
- There were houses that were not rebuilt
Nehemiah resolves the practical problem
- Have you ever thought about the problems of under population?
- Little workforce, little military, little to dwell in the city
- Nehemiah knew that God's purpose was that Jerusalem should be the joy of the whole earth
- This was a special people and a holy city (11:1)
- Had made a register of all the peoples (Chap 7)
- He knew the whole city had to be repopulated
- As time passed the people became ready to make this step
- This tells us that the people were in the right place
- The people cast lots to see who would move into Jerusalem (11:1)
- You couldn't blame the leadership for being selected
- Maybe there were so many who wanted to go they had to draw lots
- The previous chapter speaks of giving the first fruits and of tithing
- Another tithe is given, this time 10% of people
- These people willingly offered themselves
- The list of peoples is given in 11:4-24
- There is a long list of 7 different groups of people
- The people who went often had skills necessary to lead the people of God
- Levites - to teach the people
- Priests - to minister in the temple
- Gate keepers - to guard the people
- Nethinim - the singers
- Different people are specifically mentioned
- Sons of Perez (11:6) - remember their heritage from Tamar who prostituted herself with Judah (her father-in-law)
- The walls were built in 52 days but only now the city was being repopulated
- This teaches us that things happen step by step
- This teaches us that God blesses our diligence
- Nehemiah was always looking to God for the next step to take
Spiritual Applications
- We should always strengthen the centre, the church first
- Nehemiah was concerned for the strength of Jerusalem
- The church's first point of the mission statement is 'equipping'
- The Lord Jesus invested much time in 12 disciples to equip and prepare them
- The Lord Jesus invested much time before He started His ministry
- The apostle Paul spent three years preparing in the Arabian desert
- Refurbishing the church is a means to an end
- Was is our vision?
- Are we looking to the re-population of Tabor?
- Do we want to remain a small church?
- Do we want the church to grow?
- The aim of refurbishment is to see more people come in
- We must never force the (pace of the) work of God
- The people willingly offer themselves
- When people unreservedly give themselves to the work of God, He gives great blessing
- Service in the church is voluntary
- God wants a willing people
- "God loves the gates of Zion more that all the dwellings of Jacob" (Ps 87:2)
- There is no longer a physical city - it points towards Jesus Christ
- Isa 65-66 speaks of Jerusalem
- Our vision is much greater than the local church but the worldwide church
- We look forward to the day when there shall be no more sin
- 'Jerusalem the golden' - example from song
- If Nehemiah was concerned about Jerusalem, how much more concerned should we be with the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of God