May 12, 2019

Persecution of a man of God

Passage: Acts 6:8-15
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 6:8-15 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Acts | Introduction

God does not look at the outward appearance

Yet our face shows our emotions
We have Stephen’s face (v15)

His face was like an angel
Example of Moses – whose face who shone like an angel
His opposition sees something in this face

The faces of Stephen’s opposition

Bitterness and hatred
They had murderous hearts

The bible says what we speak reveals our heart

To a certain extent our faces reveal what is in our heart
Example of Nehemiah
We can’t often hide our emotions

Fruits of the Holy Spirit vs the works of evil

Looking at Stephen: God’s grace to a man

God’s grace to a man
Consider Stephen:

Chosen by men (v5)

A man full of faith and the Holy Spirit
Evidently all had this qualification but Stephen was singled out

He had more faith and a greater measure of the Holy Spirit
This was by God’s grace

Full of faith/the Holy Spirit

It means to trust God fully

Not to trust in our own devices
He probably wasn’t perfect – but he trusted God in a great way
Example of Joshua and Caleb

It means to trust God in situations that seem impossible

His first task was to wait tables

So the apostles were not distracted from the ministry of the word
He had a relief task

He needed the wisdom of God in his service

He was faithful in this service
He had a servant heart

He was full of grace (faith)

To those who didn’t deserve it

He was full of power

He was given the gift of preforming miracles

We are not like Stephen

He was not an apostle – yet worked miracles
Example of Philip (who also performed miracles) – Acts 8:6

These men were given greater gifts – of preaching and teaching, even of miracles (to authenticate the gospel)

Was he a deacon?
Surely it is the beginning of the division of elders and deacons

He was first a deacon, but then became a preacher

Just like Philip
He did not fit into a box – God called him to further ministry
We must be open to God giving us greater gifts
We must first be willing to be a servant

He comes into conflict with others as he is preaching the word of God – v9

People of the Synagogue of the Freedmen

Not Jewish Jews

They were trying to stamp out the word of God

Yet they could not resist the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke

He had been studying under the apostles

God had instructed and gifted him tremendous wisdom

Isa 54:17, Jer 1:19

God is with His people
Example of Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego

The heart of the hostile

The Bible says the wicked are like the restless sea

We see that here – v11-14
These men are cowards

They induce others to do their dirty work for them
They cite false blasphemy
The work of the devil

These men think they are doing the will of God yet they are doing the works of the devil

What a contrast between Stephen and these men

They accuse Stephen of being against Moses

They have misinterpreted and twisted things
They accuse him of being against the law
They seek to malign Jesus’ name also

Behind of all this is the devil

We know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers

Today we face must opposition

Example of politician
There is a stirring up of others against the church
We need not fear for God stands with His people

God’s presence in the midst of persecution

Stephen’s face was like an angel

He preached the gospel

The people were cut to the heart and gnashed their teeth

Stephen was able to see Jesus

This was something supernatural

Some people may say ‘what was the point of that?’

Saul was present – this had an effect on him
Persecution and his death was used for the expansion of the gospel

This gives great comfort to the persecuted church

Example of David Brainard
God gave Stephen great grace when he needed it

We may not face the same trials, but we need grace
The Bible says the Lord is at hand
We are told to pray

May we know God’s grace when the burdens grow greater