Avoiding a Censorious Spirit
- Example of Denise Kinney
- Often we point the finger
- Often we judge incorrectly
- We are so quick to condemn
- We see others as prideful
- We forget what is in our hearts
- Jesus is the only one who can pronounce judgment
- He is the only one without sin
- He did not have a censorious spirit
- He came into the world to save
- Yes he exposed sin and pronounced sin, but grace was always on His lips
- Jesus warns against a censorious spirit
- The tendency of the human heart is to have a critical spirit
- Jesus says judge not and condemn not
- Overview:
- Jesus forbids a censorious spirit v37-42
- Jesus commands a generous spirit
- Jesus warns about spiritual blindness v39-42
Jesus forbids a censorious spirit (v37-42)
- Judge not ...
- Does not mean you cannot have convictions
- Not alternate truths
- Scripture is absolute
- We must be clear about what is right and wrong
- Jesus exposed hypocrisy
- Judgementalism - running down, nitpicking
- Not judgmentalism - warning in love
- Do not stand in judgment over others
- As though you were living the good life, that you are better, that you are not exposed to their sins
- The pharisees did this
- Do not judge on appearance and without facts
- Personal example
- Do not spread gossip
- Example
- Quote from Proverbs
- Investigate matters where appropriate
- Judgementalism causes a lot of sadness
- James 4:11-12
- Are we taken up with secondary matters?
- It can occur in churches
- It occurred in several New Testament churches
- Rom 14:1-5,10,13 – explanation
- In secondary matters: let there by tolerance, love and understanding
- Judge not, lest you be judged
- Almost a principle of reaping and sowing
- Explanation
- v37 - not speaking about eternal judgment
- The Bible says salvation is only through faith in Jesus Christ
- There is no condemnation for "those who are in Christ Jesus"
- A censorious spirit
- Is a sure sign that such people are not in Christ
- Do we live in this habitual way?
- James 2:13
- Are you unmerciful?
Jesus commands a generous spirit (v37-38)
- Forgive and give
- These are promises
- God is a kind and generous God
- He will supply our every need
- The image of a grain merchant
- He gives over abundantly
- Follow in Jesus' footsteps
- If we realise how sinful we are and forgive others - God will forgive us
Jesus warns about spiritual blindness (v39-42)
- Jesus gives parabolic words – v39-42
- Picture language
- Example
- We should practice self examination
- God wants us to judge our own hearts
- The Bible is a mirror and shows us our hearts
- Example of David and Bathsheba
- Watch who you are following and who you are listening to
- The disciples had to be trained by Jesus
- The purpose of Church is that we would become like Jesus
Closing Remarks