Old Llantrisant Hill
- We cannot escape recent events (the Hurricane in America)
- Is this an act of God or an act of man?
- God is in full control of nature
- In some ways a hurricane is a wake up call to mankind
- There will be a final judgment (v44)
- The parable is all about judgment
- Men's rejection of God's word, His servants and His Son
- Why a change from a vineyard to a stone
- The context
- This parable follows on from the previous: scenario, verdict, application
- The pharisees are ignorant that the parable is about them
- Overview:
- Content
- Meaning
- Instructions
- Jesus is using an illustration of an everyday situation - a vineyard
- A hedge
- A tower
- A winepress
- Harvest/vintage time
- The servants are sent to collect the fruit from the vinedressers
- The vinedressers beat, stone and kill the servants (x3 visits)
- He sends His Son (v37) - in Matthew His only Son
- They murder His son
- The vineyard represents Israel (Isa 5:7)
- The vinedressers represents the leaders - the chief priests and the pharisees
- God had been caring and kind to Israel
- He had made them promises in Abraham
- He had entrusted Him with His word
- They had rejected Him
- The servants represent the prophets
- The prophets of old were rejected (and killed)
- Heb 11:37, Matt 23:37
- The son represents Jesus Christ
- Jesus explains the parable (v42)
- Jesus starts to talk about a stone
- The whole of chapter 21 must hang together
- The triumphal entry (v16)
- All Israel's trust was in the temple (in the stone)
- They thought Jesus had desecrate the temple and they were questioning His authority
- True religion is based on one chief cornerstone (which you are rejecting)
- v42-44
- Jesus is challenging them - 'have you never read in the Scriptures'
- Jesus is saying that He is the capstone (cornerstone)
- The kingdom will be taken away from the Jews because they have not believed in Jesus
- Whoever falls on this cornerstone will be broken
- Broken to eternal life (if you believe) or ground to powder (rejection)
- Two pictures of judgment: a judgment now and a final judgment
- Maybe the judgment of Israel in AD 70
- Daniel 2
- Be careful that religion is not just a smokescreen or facade
- Do not think you are an 'owner'
- Consider yourself as those who are 'leasing'
- You do not own the church
- Do not hide behind a label
- Example - lady, John McArthur
- The wickedness of the human heart
- Murder
- The true capacity of wickedness of the human heart
- These religious people have hating hearts
- Judgment will come
- God will not be mocked
- Jesus can become a rock of strength
- Jesus can become the peaceful eye of the hurricane
- God's warnings are given out of love
- Turn to God