Parable of the Wheat and Tares
- The parable of the wheat and the tares
- We are reminded that the devil is very active in this world
- Ultimately the devil wants to destroy God's world
- The evil servants come in quietly and seductively in the night to sow tares
- The good servants will wait until the day of reaping to remove the tares and burn them
- Wait for the day of Judgment - we are not to purify God's Kingdom
- We live in a society that is increasing intolerant of biblical Christianity
- Jesus is the only way to God
- Overview:
- The Nature of God's Kingdom
- We are not to try and purify God's Kingdom
- The King will be vindicated
The Nature of God's Kingdom
- v24, with explanation in v37
- The field - the world
- The sower - is Christ
- Christ is still sowing and there are still people being converted
- This parable is different to the parable of the sower
- The good seed - the sons of the Kingdom
- The tares - the sons of the devil
- The harvest - the end of the age
- The reapers - the angels
- God's Kingdom is mixed
- Roman law prohibited sowing tares in fields
- God's church/people is not mixed
- The 'visible' church is mixed - i.e. not all who come to Church are converted
- God's Kingdom is larger than the Church - He has power over all situations and creation itself
- His Kingdom is principally found amongst His Church
- His power is not limited to the Church
- We cannot 'Christianise' the world
- We cannot withdraw from the world
- We are called to live in the world (wheat amongst the tares)
- This must have been difficult for the disciples to understand
- There will be cults and counterfeit Christianity
- Sometimes they can look very similar, almost indistinct
- There are all forms of counterfeit Christianity
- The devil seeks to confuse God's people and twist the truth
- We must not hold onto tradition
- Isa 2:3b-4a - God will return and judge all nations
We are not to try and purify God's Kingdom
- This is God's work
- The servants wanted to pull up the tares (v28)
- God will preserve His own
- Christians preach and live the gospel
- Christians can fear
- Christians should never take up arms (of their own)
- We have to admit to mistakes the church has made (e.g. the Reformation)
- We are not to moralise the world
- Do we expect Christian behaviour from non-Christians?
- Are we seen as those who are mere Victorian moralists?
- Are we seen as those who love the Lord Jesus?
- We need to be careful what the world is 'hearing' about us
- Do not be overzealous
- Luke 9:49 - be careful when you are sanctioning
- Luke 9:53-56 - have compassion and pray for them, the Son of Man has come to save and not destroy
- Jesus - with Judas
- David - with Saul
- It is not always easy for Christians
- Sometimes we can make problems for ourselves
- We are to pray, love our enemy, realise that Christ will vindicate you
- Being the only wheat amongst tares
- God is being longsuffering and giving men and women opportunity for repentance
- We are to live the Godly Christian life and preach the gospel
The King will be Vindicated
- v39-43
- These verses are difficult - have you really stopped to think about them?
- It doesn't bare thinking about
- But this it the fate of the unbeliever
- 2 Thess 1:6-9
- Have these verses registered in our hearts - have we run to Jesus Christ?
- There is hope
- The Christian is the wheat
- The Christian is righteous - because God has made us righteous (we are sinful)
- Heaven is a place of glory, hope and beauty
- 2 Thess 1:10a
- Example of Emrys
- Are you on the broad path to destruction or the narrow path to salvation?
- You may feel the world encroaching, but it is a wonderful life to be on the narrow path to heaven
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