Old Llantrisant Hill
- Jesus had opposition from the pharisees and the scribes - their teaching and laws had departed from Scripture
- The passage today is a huge contrast
- The Pharisees lived near the means of grace
- This woman lived outside Jerusalem and was not a Jew
- Had a young daughter severely demon possessed (Matt 15:22, Mark 7:25)
- This woman had great faith (Matt 15:28)
- She recognised that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah - she calls Him "Son of David" (Matt 15:22)
- The Pharisees didn't recognise this
- This woman has great knowledge, great insight, great faith
- Jesus honours this woman's faith
Barriers to Faith
- Her background and culture
- She was descended from Canaan (Matt 15:22)
- Canaanites were Baal worshipers
- She was a Greek from Syro-Phoenicia
- She was not from a Jewish family worshiping Jehovah
- She worshiped other gods
- Her thinking would have been shaped by how she was brought up
- Jesus has come not to preach to the masses
- He came to Tyre and Sidon and entered a house and wanted no-one to know (Mark 7:24)
- Jesus wasn't in a rush to fulfil His mission
- This must have seemed a barrier to this woman
- Jesus answered her not a word (Matt 15:23)
- Did the Lord Jesus not have any time for her?
- The disciples urged Jesus to send the woman away (Matt 15:23)
- They see her as someone who is getting in the way and as someone who is disturbing them
- The disciples were unkind, unloving and uncompassionate towards her
- The words of Jesus
- "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt 15:24)
- Yes there had been examples where Jesus had ministered to Gentiles but the message was to the Jews
- There would come a time for the Gentiles
- "Let the children be filled first" (Mark 7:27)
- Her personal circumstances
- Have you ever come across anyone that is bitter towards God because of their home circumstances
- This woman had a severely demon possessed young daughter
- How this happened we are not told - perhaps the family had been involved in dark worship
- How this affected the daughter we are not told
How these barriers are overcome
- Background and culture
- Nothing can be done to change this
- What might it be like if we were brought up into another culture
- It is not about place or race but about grace
- In the Old Testament there is prophesy about Ethiopia and Tyre finding faith
- God is not limited by boundaries or place
- Think of Jonah and the city of Nineveh
- What about places today with unreached peoples?
- God had purposes for every tribe and tongue and nation
- The people from Tyre and Sidon had previously come to hear and see Jesus (Mark 3:8)
- Perhaps she was one of these people?
- What about you?
- You could say we live in a pagan society
- We live in a country which to a certain extent is under the restraining grace of God
- What do we do with the privilege we have?
- Do we respond like this woman?
- Jesus has come not to preach to the masses
- Do you ever say 'it's not my time'
- The Bible says 'today is the day of salvation'
- Jesus answered her not a word
- You've prayed sincerely but not heard anything
- Do you give up or continue earnestly in prayer?
- The disciples urged Jesus to send the woman away
- Maybe you have met the wrong Christians or unkind or ungracious Christians
- This should be a minority situation - all Christians should be full of grace and love
- We need to pray that we would be kind, patient, speak appropriately
- This woman didn't let the bad example of others put her off
- Her eyes weren't fixed on men but on the Lord Jesus
- The words of Jesus
- There are many hard sayings in Scripture
- (Many of the disciples walked with Him no more" (Mark 6:66)
- If we do not understand these sayings we must accept them
- We must put these sayings in context
- Jesus had a three year ministry
- After His death He was to leave all believers the Holy Spirit
- We must accept by faith His word
- 'I am not deserving of mercy but I will come' - Jesus did not turn anyone away
- Jesus' silence was a test
- 'Little dogs'
- In the Greek: 'ravenous dogs' - False teachers are ravenous dogs who seek to devour people (cf Matt 7:6, Phil 3:2)
- In the Greek: 'puppies' - I am to receive what I can, let the Jews feast first and I will eat what is left
- She was not offended
- She did not feel discriminated against
- She believed
- Her personal circumstances
- She was not bitter because of her circumstances
- The Lord Jesus knows all our situations
- He is able to give you grace
- You must come to Him in belief