Old Llantrisant Hill
- What we love we spend time in/with
- True of hobbies
- True of people
- True of the Lord Jesus
- The way we think shapes the way we live
- Paul is encouraging the believers to think aright
- Think of Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension
Our Heavenly Position
- Where is heaven?
- Example of Biblical Characters
- It is above this world - a different realm altogether
- We are not what we were (v1,3)
- Our old sinful nature has been crucified with Christ
- Death with Christ
- 2 Cor 5:17
- When you become a Christian you are not what you were
- You are a new creation
- You are given a heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone
- You have been brought out of the kingdom of darkness
- Resurrection with Christ
- The Holy Spirit has come and given us spiritual life
- We have been raised up from the grave
- We have spiritual union with God
- The full gospel is not just about going to heaven instead of hell, but knowing Jesus Christ
- Ascended with Christ
- Sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus
- Evil cannot touch us - we have the victory (in Christ)
- Is this how we think about what a Christian is
- Example of Hymn Number 641 by James Deck 'Lord Jesus are we one with thee?'
Seeking Heavenly Realities
- True religion is not about keeping rules
- Compare chapter 2
- Paul warns against the path of legalism
- It is about prayer and relationship
- One of the key signs of a Christian is that they pray (because they are in relationship with God)
- It is about enjoying God
- Gladly serving Him
- We don't serve God for men or ourselves
- We serve for the Lord
- It is about meditating on the word of God
- Think about His holiness, gentleness and compassion
- To be heavenly minded is to be of great spiritual benefit
Denying Earthly Pleasures
- Paul knows that there is still a fight on with the old man
- Sometimes things of the old nature come up again
- It is like when you come into a union in marriage - but our selfish asserts itself
- We are one with Christ
- Don't let your old assertive self come back again
- Fornication
- Avoid sex before marriage
- Includes all sexual activity outside of marriage
- In the eyes of Jesus Christ includes thoughts
- 1 Cor 6:15,17,18-20
- Also uncleanness, passions, evil desires
- All Christians have difficulties with these temptations
- Covetousness
- We have spoken about this already
- We can pray to God for help in this
- "Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sonsof disobedience" (3:6)
- These things are very serious
- The bible says put to death these things
- We are never to look at and judge others in these matters
- Don't be polluted by these old ways
- Anger
- Should not characterise our lives as Christians
- Our lives should be captivated by peace and tranquility
- We should not be like some who acted on Black Friday
- We ought not to be angry with God
- Wrath
- Seems to imply an explosion of anger
- This should not be part and parcel of our life, whether parents, children or in other situations
- Malice
- Having something against and working against another person
- Running down their character
- Blasphemy
- Evil speech against God
- Have we become accustomed to people taking God's name in vain that we are comfortable with this?
- Also working against God
- Filthy language
- Should not be part of our makeup
- We must be changed people
- We must leave rude jokes
- We must be careful what we watch on TV
- Do not lie
- Not just to the world but to each other
- Don't tell half-truths
- Don't give false impressions
- How many excuses are actually lies?
- Example of Thomas Charmers - speaking the whole truth can be very powerful
- Example of the US Preacher
- Example of Charles Wesley
- We are one body in Christ (v11)
- There is no division no sectarianism
- All the barriers put up by men are taken down in Christ
- There is one body
- Christ is all and in all
- Sums up the book of Colossians
- Example of revival in St Lois in 1949-1953