Our Greatest Need – the Forgiveness of Sin
A remarkable event in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ – We see Jesus define authority to forgive sins
The forgiveness of our sin is our greatest need
Unforgiven sin sends people to hell
We are all sinners and all deserve hell
God through Christ has made a provision to rescue us from sin
Forgiven sinners have an eternal home in heaven
Sin and guilt is our greatest problem
A psychiatrist said that 95% of people need a priest – their problem is guilt
Christianity is the only religion that addresses the problem of sin and guilt
This passage specifically addresses this topic
Reading Mark 2:1-12
We are only in the second chapter of Mark but Jesus has already demonstrated a lot about Himself
His authority as a preacher/teacher – 1:22
His authority over unclean spirits and demons – 1:27
His authority to heal the sick – 1:34
His authority to cleanse the defiled – 1:40
Now Jesus demonstrates an authority that is unique to God alone – the authority to forgive sin
Looking at the Text
v1-2: a self-seeking crowd gathered
Jesus was in His home town, perhaps His own house
A very large crowd had gathered – such there was no room
Why? – Jesus was preaching to them
Preaching was Jesus’ purpose – 1:38
Were the crowds there to hear Jesus preach?
Were they there [simply] to see a miracle worker?
Often when large crowds gather, they form an obstruction to His ministry
They often wanted miracles but had no interest in His spiritual message
Do we recognise our need for God’s word?
Pharisees and Scribes present – cf Matthew 9:1-8, Luke 5:17-26
The pharisees were there not to hear Jesus but to judge and ‘correct’ His teaching
The scribes were there not to hear Jesus but to trap Him with ‘blasphemy’
They hated Jesus preaching forgiveness of sin to all who would hear Him
v3-4: introduced to 5 men
A paralytic man being carried by 4 others
Are these men here also just for self-seeking reasons? For the healing of the paralytic?
They are determined to hear the gospel
They desire to be at the feet of Jesus
The men start digging through the roof
It showed their determination to reach to Jesus
They had heard Jesus and they believed in Him – 1:5
Their faith was linked to action
Faith is always linked to action
Do our actions show that we are redeemed people? – examples
v5: the forgiveness of sins
God only forgives a repentant heart
This paralytic man must have heard Jesus preaching – 1:14-15
Yes he wanted healing, he would have been condemned by society for his ailments
But he recognised that he must be rescued from his sin
He sought out Jesus
He knew Jesus had the power to heal the heart and soul, as well as the physical
Jesus openly affirms the state of all who believe in Him – forgiveness
The paralytic said nothing, asked for nothing
Yet Jesus saw his heart and saw his faith
He was forgiven by God’s grace through faith
We cannot do anything to take away our sin – we need the forgiveness of Christ
The God of the Bible is a God who forgives sins
Exodus 34:6-7, Isaiah 43:25
He loves to pardon and forgive His children
Jesus addresses the paralytic man with “son” – 1:5
v6-8: Jesus demonstrates that He is God
Jesus’ words caused great offense to those present
Whilst the paralytic rejoiced in his heart … the Pharisees and Scribes took great offence
Is it often not the religious who take offense to God’s word?
The Scribes theology was correct – only God can forgive sins – 1:7
Jesus is here proclaiming and showing that He is God
Jesus is God with us – Emmanuel
Jesus displays His God-nature
Jesus shows that He is God
Jesus sees the hearts of the scribes
He has the authority to see into their hearts
Jesus forgives
To prove He has authority to forgive sin, He heals the paralytic man – 1:9-12
The paralytic man left the house completely changed – physically healed and spiritual forgiven
v12: the response
All were amazed by this – 1:12
Have you seen anything like this?
Are you amazed at His preaching?
The forgiveness of sins is the message of the gospel we preach
Sin is humanities greatest need – Romans 3:23
The guilt of sin condemns us
Christ brings forgiveness of sin
God is a merciful God who forgives sin
This is the Christian gospel
There is no other gospel
cf Acts 13:38, Ephesians 1:7
Closing Remarks