No Compromise
- Re-reading v16-18
- Recap on chapter last week
- Nebuchadnezzar as the gold statue
- Nebuchadnezzar confesses "Truly your God is the God of gods"
- Nebuchadnezzar negates that by his actions in v16ff
- Nebuchadnezzar was not converted
- We must be careful not to rush and say that people are converted
- Nebuchadnezzar was pushing state sponsored religion
- To worship his kingdom
- Think of Trump Tower and the Tower of Babel
- God has a way of humbling people - He exalts the humble and puts down the proud
- As Christians our hopes, aims and desires are to be in God alone
Their Defence
- There was great pressure upon them men
- There is pressure upon us today
- They were not going to give in to pressure
- v16
- They feared God more than they feared man
- Do we really fear the living God?
- 'The righteousness is as bold as a lion'
- God gave them grace in the time of need
- They actually believed that God could save them from death - v17
- Would we believe this?
- "He is able", "He Will", "if not" - how do we reconcile this?
- There is an assurance of faith
- There is no presumption
- What is faith?
- "He is able", "He Will", "if not"
- Example of John & Peter before the Sanhedrin
- They were men of prayer
- Example of two Margaret's
- Would we stand?
- God was their defence
God's Answer
- Would God rescue them from death or through death?
- Our external trials do not always improve
- The trials of the three men did not improve - infact they worsened
- Nebuchadnezzar was full of anger
- The furnace was heated seven times hotter
- The men who cast the three into the fire die
- There is a difference between Chapter 2 and 3
- God is with them through the trial
- Is 43:2
- 1 Peter 4:12
- We must not think that everything will be a bed of roses
- Matt 24:9
- Example of persecution of Christians in Pakistan
- God's answer is that He will be with them
- A miracle occurs:
- Whether an angel or the pre-incarnate Son of God
- Not a hair singed or smell of fire on them
- God is glorified in delivering His people
- Ps 34:1-3
- God can bless you through the trial
- Ps 34:4-7
- God can deliver His people
- God's answer was perfect and brought glory to His name
- We need to pray for faith and trust in God
The Impact on Nebuchadnezzar
- He is astounded
- There has been a tremendous impact in his life
- He still needs to be humbled
- Miracles impact believers - examples
- Miracles still happen today - example
- He makes another rash decision
- You must worship God or be cut in pieces
- We would want not such a law today
- A relationship with God must come through the heart
- However, he is saying there is no God like God
Closing Challenges