Old Llantrisant Hill
- Focusing on Isa 53:8 - particularly the words "My people"
- The Church of Jesus Christ is family
- Consider the words of instruction from Paul to Timothy
- The Church of Jesus Christ is not just a club
- Today we are honour seniors - but we must ask who are the people of God?
- What is Church?
- Jesus was stricken for our sins - God has a people, He says the belong to Him
- The Church is not a club of the saints but a hospital for sinners
- The Lord Jesus Christ is the great phyisican who cleanses our sin-sick souls
- Overview:
- Who are God's People?
- What are their Characteristics?
- How do I become a child of God?
Who are God's People?
- We are all made in the image of God but God's people are those who are adopted into His family
- Isn't 'My people' a reference to the Jews?
- Consider Peter preaching at Pentecost
- In one sense it speaks of the Jews
- Consider the surrounding verses and the whole chapter - let Scripture interpret Scripture
- Was Christ only pierced and bruised for the Jews?
- No - the passage speaks of all people
- Jesus made intercession for all people
- Not all those who call themselves religious are Christian
- Being Jewish does not make you a child of God
- To God there is neither Jew nor Gentile
- Being a child of God is not based on nationality or outward sign
- What matters to God is the heart
- Scripture states that not all Jews are Jews - you must believe inwardly
- Jesus said to Nicodemus that 'he must be born again' - this confounded him
- God says to all people - they 'must be born again'
- Consider the apostle Paul - who was the perfect Jew, yet was not a child of God
- Not necessarily all who profess Jesus as Lord
- People may profess with their lips but have not trusted in their hearts
- To be a child of God
- Believe that Jesus died for you
- Trust in His sacrifice
- 1 Peter 2:9-10
- A chosen generation
- A royal priesthood
- A holy nation
- His own special people
- A people called out of darkness and into the marvelous light
- A people that that have now obtained mercy
- John 17
- v6 - The Father gave a people to Jesus Christ
- Also v9
- God the Father gives a people to His Son
- John 10:15-16
- God's people hear Jesus voice and follow Him
- Acts 20:28
- Matt 1:21
- The people of God are those for who Christ has died, who the Father has given to the Son and who are filled with the Holy Spirit
What are their Characteristics?
- Story of John Searle
- Recognise you are a sinner, turn to Christ, receive a new heart
How do I become a child of God?
- Jesus said - "Unless you become as little children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven"
- Jesus did not tell people to pray, conform their character
- Jesus bid people come directly to Him
- Come to Christ as you are (a sinner)
- "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"