July 9, 2023


Passage: 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6
Service Type:


Serving Jesus is tough

You can face rejection
There are disappointments
Satan opposes the Christian

Serving Jesus is a great privilege
2 Corinthians – a sense of difficulty/hardship but …

We do not work alone
We have Christ is in us
We have the energising power of the Holy Spirit
We have the love of God
We have the love, prayer and fellowship of God’s people
We see God’s work prospering throughout the world

Paul was significantly persecuted

He had the threat of death upon him
He knew what it was to be abandoned

Example of Spurgeon

He faced pain

He founded the church of Corinth – but there was much here to cause heartache
Yet he thanked God for the Corinthian church

To date:

Chapter 1 – Paul’s comfort in suffering

He could boast with a clear conscience – 1 Cor 1:12
He was certain in the promises of God

Chapter 2 – He exhorted the church

To bring the disciplined repentant back into fellowship


Lessons we learn in ministry

Serving is about following the leading of God (v12-13)

A quick reading suggests Paul is abandoning his post
Let us think this through

He must have tested the door

How would he know a door was opened unless he had been preaching and seen God’s response
He says that God opened the door

We can be thankful that we have doors opened to us

He had no rest in his spirit

Because he could not find Titus
Did he feel alone in Troas as a preacher?
Was he concerned for Titus?

Paul had sent a letter with Titus to the Corinthians

Perhaps he so loved the Corinthians?

Is it right to listen to our feelings?

We should not be controlled by our feelings – examples
When we are not right/troubled in spirit

We are not told the reason – but he had been to Troas before

Remember the man in the vision
A church had been found in Troas – Acts 20

We are to be fruitful where we are, but if God moves us on, we are to move on

It is wise to consult with others
Ultimately, we must follow God’s leading

Example of Jonah

Serving is about being the fragrance of Christ (v14-16)

This is our chief calling

To be the fragrance of Christ – by diffusing His knowledge in every place
Even if we make mistakes, God can overrule

If God is for us, who can be against us

Example of a triumphal procession

Perhaps Paul has this picture in mind

We must not have a defeatist spirit

Yes, there are some that reject the gospel
This does not diminish our salvation

We are to be a fragrance first to God

Paul always lived before God

What about us?

Our sufficiency is from God (v16)

Many will reject
The gospel divides – some believe, some reject

Example of Josh Wallis – may this help us to spread the gospel

Serving is about being sincere (v17)

Motive matters more than action

Sincere love for God and souls?

Some were "peddling" the gospel" – wanting influence, power and money
We live before God – our one motive is to please Him

People knew Paul and his companion’s character

What about us?
Do we serve before God?
Let us be sincere at all time

Serving is evidenced by changed live (3:1-3)

Paul does not need commendation

God’s work in Corinth was clear
Their sincere ministry has had an impact on people’s lives
Our ministry needs to have impact/effect upon others

Personal example
As human beings we often see change over months and years

Christian growth is like this

The evidence of the Corinthians changes lives – is proof of their ministry

1 Thess 1:8

May our Christian service results in impact upon others

Serving is about dependance on the Lord (v4-6)

Paul had such trust in Christ

Not a proud spirit
This faith has come from God

Through the trials
They had genuine faith
They had learnt to trust God more and more
God had enabled them

The trusted in the Holy Spirit

2 Cor 9:8

Do you feel limited in resources?

There is an abundance of grace in God
"We can do all things through Him who strengthens me" – Phil 4:13

Closing Remarks