Prejudice, Fear and Blindspots
Going to Mozambique – I could have prejudice – examples
We may have prejudice ourselves, and not be aware of it – examples
Simon Peter had blind spots and prejudice
We have been tracing his life and seeing him grow in maturity
Last week: bolding proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ
Though he could to maturity and strength – there were still things that needed to be dealt with it
Prejudice towards the Gentiles
Not just Acts 10, but Gal 2
Why this prejudice?
How did God convince him of his error?
Why convinced, did he still fall again into this error?
Why this prejudice?
Had he not seen the works of Jesus?
Had he not seen the faith of the Centurion?
Had he not seen Jesus’ love for the Gentiles?
Why – consider his upbringing
Cultural upbringing
Jews and Gentiles were enemies
Jesus’ ministry was largely confined to the Jews
How did God convince him of his error?
What did God do to overcome this?
He preached to converted Gentiles at Pentecost
Acts 1:8 – preach first in Jerusalem, then Judea, then Samaria, then the end of the earth
They were slow to obey this – until persecution occurred
Acts 10
God sends Cornelius – a God-fearing man
Peter has a vision – explanation
He is shocked – he will not eat anything unclean
The food laws were abolished at the cross
Moreover the gospel was to go out to all nations and the Gentiles were not to be considered unclean
The trio of men come to Peter’s house – Acts 10:22
Peter went to Cornelius
Cornelius repeats his vision
Peter speaks as the gospel is opened to the nations – Acts 10:34-43
The Holy Spirit falls on the gentiles – Acts 10:44-46
Peter baptises them – Acts 10:47-48
When Peter reports back to the church in Jerusalem, they find it difficult to believe
They do believe – Acts 11:18
Why did all this need to occur?
We all have blindspots and prejudice
The gospel is all for all peoples and backgrounds
Gal 3:28
Rom 3:29, 10:12-13
God sees our hearts
If you are not a believer – repent of your sin, trust in Jesus Christ and be saved
In heaven, all people groups will be represented
Do you know peace with God?
Do you know Jesus as friend and brother, even though He is a King?
Why convinced, did he still fall again into this error?
Gal 2
Peter is sent to a mixed congregation in Antioch
A delegation comes from Jerusalem
Peter did not want to cause them offence
Gal 2:11 – Peter was fearful
Gal 2:14 – Peter was saying the Gentiles should fit in with the Jews
Gal 2:15-16 – Paul reminds Peter salvation is by faith only (to keep the law is to annul the work of Jesus Christ)
Peter had a blip and Paul had to correct him
We must be careful to stand only on the gospel
We must not add traditions to the gospel (and make this the basis of unity)
Closing Remarks
Do we have prejudices?
We may be mature but are there blindspots?
Do we react wrongly out of fear before others, or before God?
Peter learnt much
May the Lord help us to learn and to love freely, fully in unconditional love