Old Llantrisant Hill
- Matthias is Chosen
- Example of a fall from grace
- How does a church recover from this?
- Only God's grace can restore in such a situation
- Have we thought of what a trauma it was for Judas to betray Jesus with a kiss?
- They must have been devastated
- Yet they were to learn that God had a purpose in his fall
- God would bring good from evil
- The Church would go forward in the power of God
- Looking at Acts 1
- God is continuing His work - He is pouring out His Holy Spirit
- Scripture must be fulfilled
- Overview:
- God's Sovereign Purposes
- The Churches Wise Procedure
- Principles that apply to us
God's Sovereign Purposes
- The Cross was no mistake [God is sovereign over all things]
- God had planned that one of the disciples would betray Jesus
- Acts 2:22-23
- This was according to the foreknowledge and plan of God
- Acts 4:27-28
- God is sovereign over all things
- The death of Christ was all planned by the God in heaven
- Judas has his part to play
- Jesus after His resurrection explained about the Scriptures and that one would betray Him
- Examples
- Zech 11:12,13
- David predicts Judas' evil works: Ps 41:9, 55:13
- God is sovereign
- When everything falls apart - remember that God is sovereign
- Peter quotes from the Psalms
- There appears to be two different accounts of how Judas died: Matthew vs Luke
- There are many things in Scripture that we are not to know
- Some say that Judas didn't personally buy the potters field
- Yet God was sovereign in all these things
- Peter knew this and quoted from the Psalms 69:25 & 109:8
- We must be reminded that God is sovereign in all things
- God had chosen another
- Do not look book - look forward
- The 11 apostles became 12 again
- When bad things happen - it must not shatter our confidence in God
The Churches Wise Procedure
- You may say that the Church didn't officially start until Pentecost
- Jesus said where 2 or more are gathered He would be there
- Jesus said He was building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it
- The leadership of the Church (Elders) was being established
- God was directing His people
- The Church was united in prayer
- They were in one accord in prayer and supplication (v14)
- Thus the prayer meeting is very important
- They were meeting regularly: 120, Mary, the women, His family, the apostles
- It wasn't just a business meeting
- They are making their decision in the spontaneity of prayer
- Peter stirred by the Spirit takes the lead
- They put forward two names and ask the Lord to decide
- They were all united
- Personal example
- There is a need for spiritual direction
- The Church is not a business
- Peter's leadership
- Peter who had previously denied the Lord Jesus had the full backing of the 120
- There was no self recrimination
- There was no recrimination from others
- He had been publicly reinstated by the Lord Jesus in front of the other disciples
- Peter guides them to the Scripture and makes a positive proposal
- We must pray for this in leadership
- He makes a qualification (v21-22)
- The 120 propose two men
- Each must have been equally qualified
- Example
- They drew lots
- An indication that God was choosing
- Jesus choose the disciples cf John 15:16
- The wisest way
- Application:
- There must be prayer in church decisions
- There ought to be clear church leadership - but not dictatorship
- Example
- God working amongst His people
- Sometimes the Church choses (Chapter 6), sometimes the Elders bchose (Chapter 13)
- A united prayerful church working in harmony
Principles that apply to us
- Future-proofing
- God wanted 12 apostles and not 11
- God was getting them ready
- God was building up the Church
- Chapter 14 - they appoint Elders in every church
- Paul exhorts Titus to appoint Elders in every city (Titus 1:5)
- God's will always prevails
- We must pray that God's will should be done
- The church must always be united
- The position of Judas
- So near to Jesus
- He enjoyed all the means of grace
- A tremendous warning - attending the church of God but not belonging to God - not born again
- Love for Christ, love for His word, love for His person
- Christ will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it
- His purposes will always be fulfilled